You are my safe place quotes

You are my refuge in a stormy world.

You are the calm in the chaos of my life.

With you, I am always safe and secure.

When I’m with you, I feel like I can take on the world.

Your love is my safe haven.

In your arms, I find solace and peace.

You are the one I turn to when I need comfort and support.

With you, I feel like nothing can harm me.

You are my shelter from the stormy weather of life.

Your presence is like a warm blanket on a cold winter’s day.

Being with you feels like coming home.

You are the place where I can truly be myself.

In your embrace, I find safety and protection.

You are the anchor that keeps me grounded.

With you, I am free to be vulnerable and open.

Your love is my sanctuary in a chaotic world.

You are the light that guides me through the darkness.

With you, I feel safe enough to let my guard down.

Your love is the calm in my stormy heart.

Being with you feels like a breath of fresh air.

In your presence, I find serenity and tranquility.

You are the one who makes me feel like everything will be alright.

Your love wraps around me like a warm embrace.

With you, I am protected from the harshness of the world.

You are my rock in times of uncertainty.

In your eyes, I see a reflection of safety and love.

Your love is the shelter that shields me from pain.

With you, I find a sense of belonging and acceptance.

You are the one who makes me feel safe to be myself.

In your arms, I find strength and comfort.

Your love is a sanctuary for my weary soul.

With you, I feel like I can face any challenge.

You are my fortress in a world of uncertainty.

In your presence, I find peace and tranquility.

Your love is the refuge I seek in times of trouble.

With you by my side, I am fearless.

You are the one who makes me feel safe and loved.

Your love is the anchor that keeps me grounded.

In your embrace, I find respite from the chaos of life.

With you, I feel protected and cherished.

You are my lighthouse in a sea of darkness.

In your arms, I find solace and comfort.

Your love is the shelter that shields me from harm.

With you, I am able to be vulnerable and open.

You are the one who makes me feel safe and secure.

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