Trigun quotes

Love and peace, baby! – Vash the Stampede

If I’m here, lives are just going to keep getting lost! Better off dead! I’m really the worst, right? – Vash the Stampede

I’m not an angel, but I’ve spread my wings. – Vash the Stampede

There is no power birthed in hatred that can stand up to love’s overwhelming embrace. – Vash the Stampede

When you die, can I have all your clothes? – Vash the Stampede

Within my veins flows the power of death. It is the instrument to protect love. – Vash the Stampede

If I can’t make you laugh or smile, then my purpose in life has been defeated. – Vash the Stampede

A gun is good; a reflector is better. – Vash the Stampede

Sometimes, love is the most dangerous thing in this world. – Vash the Stampede

The weight of a life can be measured by the number of tears shed for those left behind. – Vash the Stampede

We all have our reasons for wanting to live. – Vash the Stampede

Even in the midst of tragedy, there is always a silver lining. – Vash the Stampede

I’ve learned that evil is simply a mutation of love gone awry. – Vash the Stampede

The future is never certain, but we must continue to fight for it. – Vash the Stampede

In a world filled with darkness, it is up to us to shine a light. – Vash the Stampede

Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. – Vash the Stampede

Life is too short to hold grudges. – Vash the Stampede

Sometimes, the hardest thing in the world is to forgive yourself. – Vash the Stampede

I choose to see the beauty in everything, even in the darkest of moments. – Vash the Stampede

In the end, it’s not the bullets that count; it’s the mark they leave on your heart. – Vash the Stampede

If you aim for the stars, you might just reach the moon. – Vash the Stampede

Life is a precious gift. Cherish every moment. – Vash the Stampede

The world needs heroes more than ever. – Vash the Stampede

Sometimes, the greatest act of strength is asking for help. – Vash the Stampede

No matter how many times I fall, I will always get back up. – Vash the Stampede

It’s not about being strong; it’s about being brave. – Vash the Stampede

In a world full of pain and suffering, it is our duty to bring hope. – Vash the Stampede

I may be a walking disaster, but I refuse to let that define me. – Vash the Stampede

Sometimes, the greatest battles are fought within ourselves. – Vash the Stampede

Life is a journey. Enjoy the ride. – Vash the Stampede

There is always a chance for redemption. – Vash the Stampede

The past does not define us; it only informs our choices. – Vash the Stampede

Even in the midst of chaos, there is still beauty to be found. – Vash the Stampede

We are all connected, whether we realize it or not. – Vash the Stampede

Sometimes, the most powerful thing we can do is to let go. – Vash the Stampede

There is strength in vulnerability. – Vash the Stampede

It’s better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. – Vash the Stampede

Life is a balancing act. We must find harmony in chaos. – Vash the Stampede

The world is full of surprises. Embrace them. – Vash the Stampede

Don’t let fear hold you back. Take the leap. – Vash the Stampede

Our scars make us who we are. – Vash the Stampede

The greatest power in the world is the power to change. – Vash the Stampede

In the end, it’s not the destination that matters; it’s the journey. – Vash the Stampede

There is strength in unity. – Vash the Stampede

Love is the ultimate weapon. – Vash the Stampede

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