The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree – exploring similar sayings

Like father, like son.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

The nut doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Like mother, like daughter.

A chip off the old block.

The acorn doesn’t fall far from the oak.

The fruit doesn’t fall far from the vine.

A reflection of their upbringing.

The family resemblance is strong.

A legacy carried on.

The apple never rolls too far from the tree.

Birds of a feather flock together.

Like parent, like child.

The apple doesn’t fall too far from its branch.

The child inherits the traits of the parents.

A genetic inheritance.

The apple falls near the tree.

An apple never falls out of the orchard.

A reminder of where they come from.

The child takes after their parents.

The similarities are undeniable.

Blood is thicker than water.

They share the same DNA.

The family bond is evident.

The apple falls within the family grove.

In the same vein as their parents.

Like a leaf falling from a tree.

An apple doesn’t stray too far from the orchard.

The apple doesn’t wander from the tree.

The chip doesn’t fall too far from the tree.

A reflection of their roots.

A branch off the family tree.

The apple stays close to the tree trunk.

The seed doesn’t fall far from the tree.

A testament to their upbringing.

The family tree branches out.

The apple doesn’t venture too far from the tree roots.

The child walks in their parents’ footsteps.

A continuation of the family legacy.

The apple doesn’t deviate from its ancestral tree.

The fruit falls close to the shrub.

They share more than just a family resemblance.

The apple doesn’t drop far from its bough.

The apple stays in the family orchard.

The tree’s roots run deep in the apple.

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