Quotes about wanting someone

I want you more than I have ever wanted anything else in my life.

I can’t help but want you, even when it doesn’t make sense.

Every inch of my being yearns for you.

Wanting you is the most delicious torture I have ever known.

The ache of wanting you consumes me.

I crave your touch like a drug addict craves their next fix.

I want to be the reason behind your smile.

I want to spend every waking moment with you.

You are the missing piece I didn’t even know I was searching for.

Wanting you feels like an intimate secret I carry within me.

The longing I feel for you is infinite.

I want to be the one who makes all your dreams come true.

I feel incomplete without you by my side.

Wanting you is both my greatest pleasure and my deepest pain.

Your presence fills the void in my heart.

I want to be the person who makes you believe in love again.

The thought of you is a constant whisper in the depths of my mind.

I want to love you like no one ever has before.

Wanting you is the sweetest agony I have ever known.

Your absence is a constant reminder of how much I want you.

I want to be the reason you wake up with a smile on your face.

I would trade everything I have just to hold you in my arms.

I want to dive into the depths of your soul and never resurface.

Wanting you feels like a wildfire burning within me.

You are the missing puzzle piece I have been searching for my whole life.

I want to explore every inch of your mind, body, and soul.

You are the flame that ignites the fire of desire within me.

Wanting you is like an addiction I can’t break free from.

I want to be the one who brings a permanent smile to your face.

The longing I feel for you is a hunger that can never be quenched.

I want to hold you so tight that all the broken pieces inside me are mended.

Wanting you is like a constant ache in my heart that only you can soothe.

You are the one I dream of when I close my eyes at night.

I want to be the person who makes all your wildest fantasies come true.

The thought of you is a constant presence in my every waking moment.

I want to love you until every star in the sky burns out.

Wanting you is like a storm brewing inside me, ready to unleash its power.

Your absence is a void that can never be filled by anyone else.

I want to be the reason you believe in love at first sight.

I would trade my soul just to have a chance to be with you.

I want to dive into a never-ending ocean of love with you.

Wanting you is like a fire burning brighter with each passing day.

You hold the key to unlock the deepest desires of my heart.

I want to be the one who makes you feel alive in ways you never thought possible.

The longing I feel for you is a hunger that only your love can satisfy.

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