Powerful Quotes about Self Righteousness

True humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less. – C.S. Lewis

Self-righteousness is the enemy of growth and understanding. – Unknown

Humble yourself before others and you will find true happiness. – Unknown

A self-righteous person sees faults in others but rarely recognizes their own. – Unknown

Self-righteousness is the art of standing above others, while being blind to one’s own flaws. – Unknown

In the pursuit of righteousness, one must first admit their own imperfections. – Unknown

Self-righteousness is a shield for insecurity. – Unknown

Judging others does not define them, it defines your own self-righteousness. – Wayne Dyer

True righteousness comes from understanding and empathy, not from judgment. – Unknown

Self-righteousness is the greatest hindrance to personal and spiritual growth. – Unknown

Before pointing out the speck in someone else’s eye, remove the log from your own. – Unknown

Humility is the antidote to self-righteousness. – Unknown

The self-righteous are blind to their own faults, while quick to judge others. – Unknown

Be humble enough to know you have room for growth, but confident enough to know you are already enough. – Unknown

The self-righteous often mistake arrogance for confidence. – Unknown

Self-righteousness is a roadblock on the path to enlightenment. – Unknown

Self-righteousness is the mask of an insecure soul. – Unknown

The truly righteous know the value of kindness over judgment. – Unknown

Humility is the doorway to growth and understanding. – Unknown

There is no room for self-righteousness in a heart filled with love and compassion. – Unknown

True righteousness does not come from pointing fingers, but from extending a helping hand. – Unknown

Self-righteousness is the ego’s way of protecting itself. – Unknown

The righteous do not seek to be above others, but to lift them up. – Unknown

The self-righteous are often blind to their own faults but quick to condemn others. – Unknown

Arrogance and self-righteousness go hand in hand. – Unknown

True righteousness is not found in judging others, but in understanding and empathy. – Unknown

The self-righteous see themselves as superior, but the truly wise see themselves as equals. – Unknown

Before you judge others, make sure you are not guilty of the same offense. – Unknown

Those who claim righteousness often lack humility. – Unknown

Humility is the key to unlocking true righteousness. – Unknown

The self-righteous are often the most insecure. – Unknown

The humble can see their own faults, while the self-righteous are blind to them. – Unknown

True righteousness is not a badge to be worn, but a way of life to be lived. – Unknown

The self-righteous are often the least self-aware. – Unknown

True righteousness does not condemn, but seeks to understand. – Unknown

The self-righteous build walls, while the humble build bridges. – Unknown

In the pursuit of righteousness, remember to be humble. – Unknown

Self-righteousness is a prison of the soul. – Unknown

The truly righteous do not seek approval, but rather to bring out the best in others. – Unknown

The self-righteous see themselves as judges, but the wise see themselves as students. – Unknown

True righteousness requires self-reflection, not self-righteousness. – Unknown

The self-righteous are often blind to their own biases. – Unknown

Humility is the foundation of true righteousness. – Unknown

The self-righteous often mistake their opinions for facts. – Unknown

True righteousness is born out of love and understanding, not judgment and condemnation. – Unknown

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