Indifference quotes

Indifference is the ultimate enemy of progress.

Indifference is a silent killer of empathy.

Indifference is the opposite of compassion.

Indifference is the breeding ground for injustice.

Indifference is a choice, not a default.

Indifference blinds us to the suffering of others.

Indifference is a disservice to humanity.

Indifference numbs the soul.

Indifference robs us of the opportunity for connection.

Indifference is the enemy of change.

Indifference is the path to ignorance.

Indifference is a luxury we can’t afford.

Indifference is a betrayal of our own humanity.

Indifference prolongs suffering.

Indifference is a shield for those who refuse to take responsibility.

Indifference is a form of violence.

Indifference is the silence of the oppressor.

Indifference is a poison that permeates society.

Indifference is the enemy of love.

Indifference is a wall that blocks empathy.

Indifference is a barrier to understanding.

Indifference is the antithesis of progress.

Indifference erodes our humanity.

Indifference is a choice to turn a blind eye.

Indifference is a seed that grows into apathy.

Indifference is a denial of our interconnectedness.

Indifference is a failure to recognize our shared humanity.

Indifference is a rejection of empathy.

Indifference is a betrayal of our capacity for love.

Indifference is the enemy of justice.

Indifference is a form of passive violence.

Indifference thrives in the absence of compassion.

Indifference is a barrier to social change.

Indifference is a denial of our duty to others.

Indifference is a breeding ground for hatred.

Indifference is a path to isolation.

Indifference chips away at our souls.

Indifference is a lack of moral courage.

Indifference is the absence of kindness.

Indifference is a rejection of our capacity for growth.

Indifference is the silence of the privileged.

Indifference is a refusal to listen.

Indifference is a failure to see the humanity in others.

Indifference is a wall that divides us.

Indifference is a choice we must actively resist.

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