Chicken quotes

Why did the chicken go to the seance? To talk to the other side!

What’s a chicken’s favorite type of workout? Cross-fit!

Why don’t chickens like playing hide and seek? They always get found in a peck!

What did the chicken say when it crossed the road for the first time? ‘Egg-cellent!’

Why aren’t chickens good comedians? Because their jokes always crack up!

Why did the chicken become a chef? It loved to scramble!

What do you call a chicken who tells jokes? A comedi-hen!

Why did the chicken join a band? It had excellent drumsticks!

What do you get if you cross a chicken with a cement mixer? A brick layer!

Why was the chicken at the airport? It was ready to take flight!

Why did the chicken bring a ladder to the bar? It wanted to try some highballs!

What did one chicken say to the other when they were caught in a thunderstorm? ‘We better find some dry cluck!’

Why did the chicken go to the movie theater? It wanted to see ‘The Peck-tatorship!’

Why did the chicken go to art school? It wanted to learn how to draw a perfect yolk!

What’s a chicken’s favorite type of music? Beak-pop!

Why did the chicken start a gardening club? It wanted to dig in the dirt for worms!

What do you call a chicken who loves to dance? A cha-cha chick!

Why did the chicken start a book club? It wanted to discuss ‘The Catcher in the Rye!’

Why did the chicken join the circus? It loved to perform ‘beak-flips!’

What do you get if you cross a chicken with a cow? Roost beef!

Why did the chicken never finish high school? It was always ‘cooped’ up!

What did the chicken say to the egg? ‘I’m ‘shell-ebrating’ your arrival!’

Why did the chicken become an actor? It loved taking center ‘stage!’

What do you call a chicken that tells good jokes? A ‘comed-hen’!

Why did the chicken become a hair stylist? It loved giving ‘cluck-tastic’ makeovers!

Why did the chicken start a salsa club? It loved to shake its tail feathers!

What kind of car does a chicken drive? A ‘cluck-er’!

Why did the chicken go to the bank? To make a ‘with-draw!’

What do you get if you cross a chicken with a unicorn? A ‘magi-cluck’ creature!

Why did the chicken go to the baseball game? It wanted to see some ‘fowl’ balls!

What do you call a chicken who loves to travel? An ‘explorer!’

Why did the chicken go to the bakery? It wanted to buy some ‘flour-power!’

What do you call a chicken who tells secrets? A ‘gossip-hen’!

Why did the chicken become a lifeguard? It loved to ‘peck’ for danger!

What do you call a chicken who loves to sing? A ‘choir-ster’!

Why did the chicken go to the wedding? It heard the bride was ‘chick-stunning!’

What do you get if you cross a chicken with a cow and a goat? ‘Cluckamooo!’

Why did the chicken become a detective? It loved to ‘coop’ out mysteries!

What do you call a chicken with a drumstick? ‘Stick-n-lick!’

Why did the chicken join the choir? It had a ‘fowl-tastic’ singing voice!

What do you call a chicken with lettuce in its eye? ‘Salad in the beak!’

Why did the chicken become a banker? It loved ‘deposi-coops!’

What do you call a chicken who loves to play basketball? A ‘swish-ken’!

Why did the chicken become an author? It wanted to ‘cluck’ out a bestseller!

What do you call a chicken who loves to do yoga? A ‘flexing fowl!’

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