
Wisdom of the Ages – Inspiring Quotes by Thomas Hobbes

In the state of nature, life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.

Fear of death is the mother of all societies.

Contracts are the foundation of civilized society.

The natural condition of mankind is a state of war.

Courage is the first of human qualities because it guarantees all others.

Without a common power to keep them all in awe, no man can be safe.

Knowledge is power, and power is the ability to control.

Liberty is the absence of external impediments.

A commonwealth is an artificial man.

The sovereign has absolute power to maintain peace.

Men are continually in competition for honor and dignity.

Justice is the interest of the stronger.

There is no such thing as an undivided loyalty.

Words are the servants of the will, not its masters.

Pacts must be honored, lest we slide back into chaos.

Every man seeks peace, but peace is hard to find.

Fear can bind the strongest among us.

The will to power leads to the birth of society.

Life gathers its meaning in the choices we make.

In the shadows of conflict, trust is the rarest of treasures.

Authority derives from the consent of the governed.

Hope is the breath of society, keeping it alive.

Humanity is a cacophony of desires and fears.

The natural right of self-defense is universal.

Skepticism is the seed of wisdom.

The mind is a battlefield waged by ambition and fear.

A ruler’s duty is to foretell chaos and prevent it.

Irony is that we create the chains that bind us.

True liberty is freedom from the tyranny of others.

In unity, there is strength, but in diversity, there is growth.

The end of civil society is mutual preservation.

Every man’s desire can lead to conflict or cooperation.

Life, liberty, and property are the rightful claims of man.

The power of the state lies in collective fear.

The abyss of selfishness is deeper than we perceive.

Anarchy breeds chaos, while order breeds peace.

Men are governed by the passions of their hearts.

The wise choose their battles; the foolish fight them all.

Innovation flourishes where fear is held at bay.

The greatest threat is the indifference of the masses.

The essence of authority is the promise of protection.

Moral law is a reflection of the consensus of the commonwealth.

Only through dialogue can we bridge the divide.

To be human is to negotiate the territory of conflict.

The heart beats for both freedom and security.

A social contract is a dance of trust.

True peace is crafted, not granted.

The past is a map; the future is an open road.

Humans are architects of their destiny, for better or worse.

Our fears might bind us, but our desires can set us free.

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