
Top 10 Iconic Negan Quotes from The Walking Dead

I don’t want to hurt you, I just want to break you.

People are a resource. You don’t kill them unless you have to.

In this world, you’re either the hammer or the nail.

You can’t have a society if you can’t trust each other.

I’m not a monster, I’m a very complicated man.

Every situation is an opportunity to make a statement.

I’m like a dog chasing cars-if I catch one, I wouldn’t know what to do.

You’re gonna need a bigger stick if you want to play with me.

Somebody has to make the hard choices in life.

You either embrace this world or let it chew you up.

There’s a fine line between civilization and chaos.

I’m not a villain; I’m just the ruler of my own chaos.

The world’s gone to hell, but that doesn’t mean I can’t have a little fun.

You think you know pain? Let me show you.

Sometimes the bad guy is the one who keeps peace.

Fear is a powerful motivator, but loyalty is even stronger.

Without rules, who are we? Just animals in a cage.

Break the rules, but know how to play the game.

Life’s unfair, but that’s what makes it interesting.

Strength isn’t just about muscles; it’s about mind games.

A good leader knows when to threaten and when to listen.

Challenge me, and I’ll show you what true despair looks like.

I’m not just surviving; I’m thriving-there’s a difference.

Everyone has a breaking point; let’s find yours.

Chaos can be beautiful in its own twisted way.

You’ve got to know when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em.

Some people turn to violence; I turn to strategy.

You want to play the game? Bring your A-game.

The world’s brutal; I just let it be.

You can’t negotiate with the inevitable.

Fear sells, but loyalty builds empires.

Being good? That’s for the soft-hearted.

A little madness goes a long way in this world.

Life is dicey-roll with it or get crushed.

Courage is not the absence of fear; it’s the mastery of it.

Sometimes, mercy is just a trap in disguise.

You learn more from your foes than your friends.

The best stories come from the darkest places.

Manipulation is an art form; I’m the Picasso of it.

Survival isn’t about escape; it’s about adaptation.

Everything has a price; make sure you know it.

The past might haunt you, but the future is what you create.

People don’t fear death; they fear insignificance.

Power is a game, and I’m the master player.

Every wound tells a story; some just bleed more.

In uncertainty, you find your true allies.

Who needs friends when you can have followers?

Don’t just survive-make others remember you.

A little fear goes a long way in keeping people in line.

You’re not just facing a man; you’re facing a legend.

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