
Sweet Home Alabama Movie Quotes

I may be slow, but I ain’t dumb. – Forrest

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. – Forrest

Sometimes you have to go back to move forward. – Forrest

I’m not a smart man, but I know what love is. – Forrest

Stupid is as stupid does. – Forrest

You have to do the best with what God gave you. – Forrest

Mama always said, dying was a part of life. – Forrest

Life isn’t like a box of chocolates. It’s more like a jar of jalapenos. What you do today, might burn your butt tomorrow. – Forrest

My mama always told me miracles happen every day. Some people don’t think so, but they do. – Forrest

You have to put the past behind you before you can move on. – Forrest

I was runnin’, and runnin’, and runnin’… but in ginny end, I didn’t run far enough. – Forrest

I’m sorry I had to fight in the middle of your black panther party. – Forrest

Tapping isn’t dancing, Forrest. – Jenny

When I got tired, I slept. When I got hungry, I ate. When I had to go, you know, I went. – Forrest

Sometimes, I guess there just aren’t enough rocks. – Forrest

You have to think about it before you do it. – Forrest

I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze, but I, I think maybe it’s both. – Forrest

I’m not a shrimp. – Bubba

Don’t ever let anyone tell you they’re better than you, Forrest. – Jenny

I’m making a little damage tonight. – Forrest

I gotta find Bubba. – Forrest

Gump’s like me, he’s lost. – Jenny

Staying here is something you should do because you want to. – Forrest

I’m gonna go see Dr. Forrester. – Forrest

I’m not a smart man, but I love you. – Forrest

Sometimes it’s easier to run away from the things we don’t want to face. – Forrest

You have to do the best with what you got. – Forrest

Miracles do happen, Forrest. – Mama

You have to put the past behind you and keep moving forward. – Forrest

It’s funny how some things just stay the same. – Forrest

I’m sorry, but I can’t let you marry that girl. – Forrest

I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is. – Forrest

It’s the strangest thing. I’m not even sure how I got here. – Forrest

I just felt like running. – Forrest

I’m not a hero, but I did my duty. – Forrest

I’m sorry, but there’s no place like home. – Forrest

Life is like a road, you just have to keep on going. – Forrest

Sometimes, all you need is a little shrimp boat. – Forrest

I’m really tired and I have to pee. – Forrest

Life is like a game of ping pong, you just have to keep bouncing back. – Forrest

I don’t know if we each have a destiny or if we’re all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze, but I think maybe it’s both. – Forrest

I’m not a shrimp, I’m a soldier. – Bubba

Sometimes, you just have to keep on running. – Forrest

I can’t go back to where I was, but I can keep moving forward. – Forrest

Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get. – Forrest

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