
Stepping out on faith quotes

Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole staircase. – Martin Luther King Jr.

When you step out on faith, miracles happen. – Unknown

Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle. – Christian D. Larson

Sometimes all you need is a leap of faith to set yourself free. – Unknown

Fear is just faith in the wrong things. – Joel Osteen

Faith is the bridge between where I am and the place I want to be. – Unknown

Let your faith be bigger than your fears. – Unknown

Faith means believing in advance what will only make sense in reverse. – Philip Yancey

Faith is not knowing what the future holds, but knowing who holds the future. – Unknown

Leap and the net will appear. – John Burroughs

Have faith in your journey. Everything had to happen exactly as it did to get you where you’re going next. – Mandy Hale

Faith is taking that first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase. – Oprah Winfrey

Stepping out on faith opens up a world of possibilities. – Unknown

Every step taken in faith is a step towards your dreams. – Unknown

Faith is not about everything turning out okay. Faith is about being okay no matter how things turn out. – Unknown

When you have faith, you have everything. – Unknown

Believe in the whispers of your heart and take that leap of faith. – Unknown

Stepping out on faith is the first step towards greatness. – Unknown

Faith is the courage to take the first step even when you don’t see the whole picture. – Unknown

Faith is the key that unlocks the doors to your dreams. – Unknown

Faith is not about knowing what’s ahead, but knowing that whatever comes, you can handle it. – Unknown

Believing in yourself is the first step to stepping out on faith. – Unknown

When you step out on faith, the universe conspires to make your dreams come true. – Unknown

Faith is the fuel that powers your dreams. – Unknown

Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. Have faith and trust the journey. – Unknown

Stepping out on faith is like stepping into the unknown with complete confidence. – Unknown

Faith is not seeing, but believing. – Unknown

Faith is not just believing, but taking action towards your beliefs. – Unknown

Stepping out on faith is the first step towards living a life you love. – Unknown

Faith is the belief that what you desire is already on its way to you. – Unknown

Stepping out on faith is the ultimate act of self-belief. – Unknown

Faith is the courage to trust yourself and the universe, even when everything seems uncertain. – Unknown

Believe in yourself and the power of your dreams, and step out on faith. – Unknown

Faith is knowing that even though everything might be falling apart, somehow everything is falling into place. – Unknown

Step out on faith and watch the miracles unfold. – Unknown

Faith is the antidote to fear. Step out on faith and fear has no power over you. – Unknown

Believe in yourself and the journey ahead. Step out on faith and watch the magic happen. – Unknown

Faith is the spark that ignites your dreams into reality. – Unknown

Stepping out on faith is the first step towards living a life of purpose. – Unknown

Faith is not about knowing all the answers, but trusting that everything will work out in the end. – Unknown

Step out on faith and watch the universe conspire to make your dreams come true. – Unknown

Faith is the compass that guides our steps when we can’t see the path ahead. – Unknown

Believe in the impossible and step out on faith. You never know what miracles await you. – Unknown

Faith is the bridge between your dreams and reality. Step out on faith and build that bridge. – Unknown

Stepping out on faith is the first step towards living a life of purpose and fulfillment. – Unknown

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