
Quotes by Eminem

Success is my only option, failure’s not.

You can make something of yourself, or you can just sit around making excuses.

I’m not afraid to take a stand, everybody come take my hand.

Be proud of who you are, even if it sounds corny, never let no one tell you you’re not beautiful.

Love is just a word, but you bring it definition.

You gotta find that inner strength and just pull that shit out of you and get that motivation to not give up.

I am whatever you say I am. If I wasn’t, then why would you say I am?

The truth is you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed.

Sometimes you just gotta let shit go and say ‘To hell with it’.

The moment I stop having fun with it, I’ll be done with it.

Trust is hard to come by. That’s why my circle is small and tight. I’m kind of funny about making new friends.

The truth is you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride.

Live your truth, don’t hold back, and always be yourself.

The more unapologetically yourself you are, the more people it will attract.

I just can’t sit back and wallow in my own sorrow, but I know one fact: I’ll be one tough act to follow.

You can make something of your life. It just depends on your drive.

Don’t let them say you ain’t beautiful. They can all get fucked, just stay true to you.

Take your best shot, you might just take me down but I won’t stay on the ground.

Success is my only motherfucking option, failure’s not.

You can’t be a true artist without the risk-taking and the hard work that goes along with it.

If you had one shot, one opportunity, to seize everything you ever wanted, would you capture it or just let it slip?

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.

Life is too short to dwell on the things that don’t matter. Focus on what makes you happy.

You don’t get another chance, life is no Nintendo game.

I’m not afraid to take a stand, everybody come take my hand. We’ll walk this road together, through the storm, whatever weather, cold or warm.

The truth is you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed.

You can make something of yourself, or you can just sit around making excuses.

I’m not afraid to take a stand, everybody come take my hand.

Be proud of who you are, even if it sounds corny, never let no one tell you you’re not beautiful.

Love is just a word, but you bring it definition.

You gotta find that inner strength and just pull that shit out of you and get that motivation to not give up.

I am whatever you say I am. If I wasn’t, then why would you say I am?

The truth is you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed.

Sometimes you just gotta let shit go and say ‘To hell with it’.

The moment I stop having fun with it, I’ll be done with it.

Trust is hard to come by. That’s why my circle is small and tight. I’m kind of funny about making new friends.

The truth is you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride.

Live your truth, don’t hold back, and always be yourself.

The more unapologetically yourself you are, the more people it will attract.

I just can’t sit back and wallow in my own sorrow, but I know one fact: I’ll be one tough act to follow.

You can make something of your life. It just depends on your drive.

Don’t let them say you ain’t beautiful. They can all get fucked, just stay true to you.

Take your best shot, you might just take me down but I won’t stay on the ground.

Success is my only motherfucking option, failure’s not.

You can’t be a true artist without the risk-taking and the hard work that goes along with it.

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