Quotes about violence

Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. – Isaac Asimov

An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. – Mahatma Gandhi

The only true victory in violence is that you availed yourself of it. – Salvador Dali

Violence is not a solution, it is a problem disguised as one. – Anonymous

Violence is the language of the unheard. – Martin Luther King Jr.

Hate begets hate; violence begets violence. – John F. Kennedy

Violence is the weapon of the weak and the refuge of the ignorant. – Albert Einstein

Violence is the absence of understanding. – Terry Goodkind

Violence is the last resort of the incompetent. – Unknown

Violence can only destroy, it cannot create. – Unknown

Violence is a choice, not a necessity. – Unknown

The greatest strength is found in peace, not violence. – Unknown

Violence only leads to more violence; it is a cycle that must be broken. – Unknown

Violence is never the answer; it is the question that we need to answer. – Unknown

Violence is a reflection of our own unresolved inner struggles. – Unknown

Violence may solve problems in the short term, but it creates bigger ones in the long run. – Unknown

The true power lies in forgiveness, not revenge. – Unknown

Violence may silence the opposition, but it can never win their hearts and minds. – Unknown

Violence is a sign of weakness, not strength. – Unknown

Violence is the ultimate failure of communication. – Unknown

Violence is an expression of our own inner chaos and insecurity. – Unknown

Violence is the enemy of progress and the destroyer of harmony. – Unknown

Violence is a temporary fix that only perpetuates the problems it aims to solve. – Unknown

Violence is the absence of love; it is a void that can never be filled. – Unknown

Violence is a blind rage that knows no bounds and shows no mercy. – Unknown

Violence is the language of the forgotten and the desperate. – Unknown

Violence is the result of ignorance and fear. – Unknown

Violence is a betrayal of our true nature as human beings. – Unknown

Violence is a reflection of our own unresolved trauma and pain. – Unknown

Violence may give a momentary sense of power, but it leaves a lasting scar on our humanity. – Unknown

Violence is a dead end; it is a road that leads to destruction and despair. – Unknown

Violence is the absence of compassion and the failure of empathy. – Unknown

Violence is the coward’s way of expressing their lack of understanding. – Unknown

Violence is the easy way out; it is the path of least resistance. – Unknown

Violence is a byproduct of a society that has lost its way. – Unknown

Violence is a symptom of a deeper problem that we must address. – Unknown

Violence is a wake-up call; it is a reminder of our own capacity for destruction. – Unknown

Violence is a test of our humanity; will we choose love or hate? – Unknown

Violence is contagious; it spreads like a disease if left unchecked. – Unknown

Violence is a reflection of our own inner turmoil; it is a cry for help. – Unknown

Violence is a distortion of justice; it is a perversion of righteousness. – Unknown

Violence is a sign of a deeper sickness that afflicts our society. – Unknown

Violence is the enemy of peace, and the destroyer of hope. – Unknown

Violence is the opposite of progress; it is a regression into our darkest instincts. – Unknown

Violence is a choice that we must consciously reject if we are to build a better future. – Unknown

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