
Quotes about being on time

Punctuality is the soul of business. – Thomas C. Haliburton

Being on time is a sign of respect. – Unknown

Time is the most valuable thing we can spend, so let’s make sure we use it wisely. – Unknown

Better three hours too soon than a minute too late. – William Shakespeare

Being late may be fashionable, but it is never impressive. – Unknown

The early bird catches the worm. – English Proverb

Time waits for no one, so don’t waste it. – Unknown

Being on time is a habit that successful people have mastered. – Unknown

Late is a lonely place. – Unknown

Time is a precious commodity, don’t squander it. – Unknown

To be punctual is a virtue, to be late is a vice. – Matthew Prior

Being on time is a sign of self-discipline. – Unknown

Tardiness is a sign of disrespect. – Unknown

Time is the one thing we can never get back, so let’s not waste it. – Unknown

Being on time shows that you value other people’s time as well. – Unknown

Punctuality is the key to success. – Alexander Graham Bell

Time is a limited resource, use it wisely. – Unknown

Being early is being on time, being on time is late. – Unknown

Being punctual is a reflection of your character. – Unknown

Punctuality is the art of being where you should be, when you should be there. – Unknown

Being on time shows that you are reliable. – Unknown

Time is the currency of life, and punctuality is how we spend it wisely. – Unknown

Being on time is a sign of professionalism. – Unknown

Latecomers always have one excuse or the other, but being punctual is simply a matter of choice. – Unknown

Being late is a waste of everyone’s time. – Unknown

Time is the most valuable asset, use it wisely and don’t take it for granted. – Unknown

Being on time means being prepared. – Unknown

Punctuality is a sign of good organizational skills. – Unknown

Time is a precious gift, so make the most of it by being punctual. – Unknown

Being punctual is a sign of respect for yourself and others. – Unknown

The early bird gets the worm, but the on-time bird gets the prize. – Unknown

Being on time shows that you have your priorities in order. – Unknown

Don’t be a victim of your own lack of punctuality. – Unknown

Being punctual is a sign of a well-rounded individual. – Unknown

Time management is the key to success, and being on time is a crucial part of it. – Unknown

Being punctual is a sign of efficiency. – Unknown

Punctuality is a habit that can be cultivated. – Unknown

Time flies, so make the most of it by being on time. – Unknown

Being late is a sign of poor planning. – Unknown

Being punctual is a sign of professionalism and reliability. – Unknown

Don’t waste your time, be on time. – Unknown

Being on time is a sign of respect for other people’s time. – Unknown

Time is a valuable resource, don’t let it slip away. – Unknown

Being punctual shows that you take your commitments seriously. – Unknown

Being on time is the first step towards success. – Unknown

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