
Petty Twitter Quotes

Don’t mistake my silence for ignorance. I’m just too busy shining.

Too blessed to be stressed, too petty to be sorry.

Don’t underestimate the power of a petty tweet.

Petty minds discuss people, great minds discuss ideas. Guess which one I prefer?

I may be petty, but at least I know how to keep my circles small.

When life gives you lemons, throw them back and demand better.

Petty is my middle name, and I wear it proudly.

Petty game strong, haters beware.

My petty level is over 9000, don’t test me.

Don’t let anyone dull your petty shine.

I may be petty, but at least I’m honest about it.

Sure, I could be more mature, but where’s the fun in that?

My pettiness is my superpower.

Petty minds won’t understand my greatness.

I may be petty, but at least I don’t pretend to be nice.

Petty is the new black.

If petty was a sport, I’d be the champion.

Being petty is my way of taking control in a chaotic world.

Petty tweets are my therapy.

Petty, sassy, and unapologetic.

I don’t need your validation, I’ve got my petty squad.

Not everyone can handle my level of petty, and that’s just fine.

Petty tweets are the best revenge.

Life’s too short to be anything but petty.

I’m not always petty, but when I am, you better watch out.

Petty is the new classy.

My petty tweets are my way of filtering out the fake friends.

Petty and proud.

My pettiness is a force to be reckoned with.

Petty quotes are my secret weapon.

Being petty is my own form of self-care.

Petty tweets: the ultimate comebacks.

I’m not petty, I’m just allergic to mediocrity.

Petty tweets are my way of keeping it real.

I may be petty, but at least I’m true to myself.

Petty is the new black.

Life’s too short to hold back the pettiness.

I don’t need your approval, I’ve got my petty squad.

Being petty is my superpower.

Petty tweets are my guilty pleasure.

I don’t have time for negativity, I’m too busy being petty.

Petty minds discuss people, genius minds discuss ideas.

My petty tweets are my way of shaking up the status quo.

Petty tweets are my sassy alter ego.

I may be petty, but at least I’m entertaining.

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