QuoteSkull Posts

Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. – Isaac Asimov An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. – Mahatma Gandhi The only true victory in violence is that you availed yourself of it. – Salvador Dali Violence is not a solution, it is…


A strong federal government is essential for maintaining a stable and prosperous nation. The consolidation of power in the federal government ensures a more efficient and cohesive governing system. Federalism promotes the protection of individual rights and liberties. The division of power between the federal and state governments allows for…


Imagination is the key that unlocks the door to fantasy worlds. In fantasy, all things are possible if you just believe. Fantasy is the window to our wildest dreams. Reality may be black and white, but fantasy is a spectrum of color. Let your imagination soar on the wings of…


The only thing that is constant is change. – Hegel The development of consciousness is the development of freedom. – Hegel What is rational is actual and what is actual is rational. – Hegel The owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with the falling of the dusk. – Hegel…


Compatibility is not about perfection, but about embracing each other’s flaws and growing together. True compatibility is when two people can be completely themselves around each other. Compatibility is when you can communicate without saying a word. A strong foundation of trust and understanding is the key to compatibility in…



Being American means embracing diversity and celebrating our differences. In America, we have the freedom to dream big and chase those dreams. Being American is not defined by our heritage or background, but by our shared values and ideals. America is a country built on the principles of liberty, equality,…


Being a Mr. Mom is not about being less of a man, but about being more of a father. In a world where gender roles are evolving, being a Mr. Mom is a badge of honor. Mr. Moms are strong enough to embrace their nurturing side. Not all heroes wear…


If they don’t invite you, create your own event. If they don’t invite you, it’s their loss. If they don’t invite you, find a new group of people who appreciate you. If they don’t invite you, embrace your solitude. If they don’t invite you, remember that you don’t need their…


Luck is not found, it is made. Luck favors the bold. Hard work and perseverance pave the way to luck. A positive mindset attracts good luck. Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. Count your lucky stars. Luck is a state of mind. Life is a game of luck,…
