QuoteSkull Posts

Love knows no gender, only hearts that connect. In a world full of norms, be beautifully nonconforming. Embrace your unique journey, lesbian pride is a gift. We are a rainbow woven together, each color holding strength. Love is love, no matter who it’s shared between. Don’t let society dim your…


A little bit of mischief is good for the soul. Always listen to your conscience, it will guide you true. It’s better to be a real donkey than a fake person. Every lie you tell, adds another knot to your nose. Dreams have a way of turning into reality, just…


Congratulations on your new job! Wishing you all the best in this exciting chapter of your career. May your new job bring you great opportunities, success, and fulfillment. Best wishes! Here’s to a new chapter, new challenges, and new successes. Best wishes on your new job! Wishing you a smooth…


Love is the ultimate healer. Love has a way of healing wounds that nothing else can. Where there is love, there is healing. Love is the balm that soothes our pain. Love can mend even the most broken hearts. In love, we find the strength to heal. Love heals the…



Dreams are the fuel that ignites the fire within us. Strength does not come from physical prowess, but from the indomitable spirit that resides within. Success is not measured by how high we climb, but by how many lives we touch along the way. In the face of adversity, remember…


Don’t let the past define your future. The only way to move forward is to leave the past behind. Stop dwelling on the past and start creating your future. You can’t change the past, but you can change your future. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is uncertain, today is your opportunity.…



Not all who wander are lost. – J.R.R. Tolkien Sometimes, being lost is the best way to find yourself. Losing your way leads to finding your truth. You have to get lost before you can find yourself. Getting lost is an adventure waiting to happen. The only way to discover…


I never learned anything by playing it safe. Success is not about being the best, but about being better than you were yesterday. Every failure is a stepping stone to success. Education is the passport to a successful future. In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.…
