Negan Quotes – Powerful Words from The Walking Dead’s Most Notorious Villain

In this world, you kill or you die. Or you die and you kill.

Life is about choices. Make the right one, or I’ll make it for you.

People are a resource, not a liability. Remember that.

Trust is a fragile thing, one wrong move and it shatters.

Nobody by your side? Well, that’s just sad. But lucky for you, I’m here.

My mercy prevails over my wrath. But only if you deserve it.

I don’t negotiate. I take what I want, and I burn everything else.

You can’t save everyone. Sometimes you have to make tough choices.

The weak don’t survive in this world. It’s survival of the fittest.

Fear keeps people in line. And in this world, lines are important.

Rules are for the weak. I make my own rules, and you’ll follow them.

I may be the bad guy, but I’m the bad guy you need.

Sometimes, you gotta be the monster to beat the monsters.

Pain has a way of bringing out the true nature of people.

Your choices define who you are. And right now, you’re making a very bad choice.

I don’t enjoy killing, but I’m really good at it.

I’m a man of my word. When I say something, I mean it.

Power is everything in this world, and I have plenty of it.

If you’re not willing to do what it takes, then you’re as good as dead.

The world may be gone, but I’m still here. And I will make my mark.

I’m the king of this world, and everyone else is just living in it.

Negan Quotes – Powerful Words from The Walking Dead’s Most Notorious Villain part 2

I have big plans for this place, and I won’t let anyone stand in my way.

Hope is a dangerous thing. It blinds you from the reality of this world.

You can’t go soft in this world. Soft gets you killed.

Survival is all that matters. Everything else is just noise.

I don’t need to explain myself to you. My actions speak for themselves.

You think you can outsmart me? Well, good luck with that.

Fear is a powerful motivator. And I’m not afraid to use it.

You can try to fight me, but you’ll only end up losing.

I’ve seen the worst this world has to offer, and I’ve become it.

I don’t care about justice. Justice is just a concept created by weak people.

Weakness is a disease, and I’m the cure.

I don’t enjoy violence, but sometimes it’s necessary.

You can hate me all you want, but you’ll still do what I say.

The world is a cruel place, and I’m just playing by its rules.

There’s a difference between being a survivor and being alive. Choose wisely.

I’m not a villain, just a man who knows what needs to be done.

I’ll take everything you have, and then some. And you’ll thank me for it.

Sometimes you have to do terrible things to protect the ones you love.

I may be the devil, but at least I have style.

You think you can beat me? Well, you’re about to find out how wrong you are.

Killing is easy. It’s living with the consequences that’s hard.

I didn’t choose this life, but I damn sure will make the most of it.

I’m not a hero, but I’ll do what it takes to survive.

This world is not for the weak. It’s for the ruthless, the strong, and the ones who won’t back down.

Alfred Sorsazo

A seeker of inspiration and beauty in words. I share quotes that touch the soul, provoke thought, and inspire change.

Finding and sharing wisdom that helps you better understand yourself and the world around you. Why quotes? Short phrases contain incredible power - they can inspire, support, give hope, or just make you smile.

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