Release the hounds!
Money can buy happiness. I know, I’ve bought it many times.
I’m as spry as a mockingbird!
Oh, Smithers! I’m feeling a little lightheaded!
Smithers, unleash the dobermans!
There’s nothing like a good power outage to make you appreciate electricity.
I’ll keep it short and sweet. Family. Religion. Friendship. These are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business.
I’ve had an epiphany. The virtue that matters most is perseverance. It’s the key to success in business and life.
Remember, Smithers, the language of business is money.
Ah, the sweet smell of capitalism.
Don’t make me release the flying monkeys!
I’m not a villain. I’m a businessman with a vision.
I believe in two things: myself and money.
I’ve never seen an employee with more dedication and less sense of direction.
Ah, the joy of hiring cheap labor.
Smithers, why don’t we have a hidden room in our office filled with gold and jewels?
Remember, the world is like a giant pie. And I want the biggest slice.
I’m like a vampire. I survive on the blood of the weak and desperate.
Smithers, I have a new business idea: selling used chewing gum.
I’ll tell you a secret, Smithers: success is 99% luck and 1% talent.
I don’t care for feelings. They only get in the way of profits.
Mr. Burns Quotes – A Compilation of Hilarious and Iconic Lines from the Simpsons’ Wealthiest and Wackiest Character part 2
My motto is: take everything and give nothing back.
Smithers, do you know why I’m so successful? Because other people fail.
I’ve always found that the best way to control people is to make them believe they have control.
Don’t worry, Smithers. I’ll find a way to make money from this disaster.
You can’t have a monopoly without a little bloodshed.
Competition is for the weak. The strong create monopolies.
I love it when a plan comes together. Especially if it involves the destruction of my enemies.
Smithers, what’s the point of having money if you can’t use it to crush your enemies?
War is just business with a higher body count.
Smithers, I’ve decided to start my own religion. Care to join?
Love is for the weak. I prefer cold, hard cash.
Do you know what the best part of being rich is, Smithers? Everything!
There’s nothing like the feeling of crushing your competition with a well-executed business strategy.
I didn’t get to where I am today by playing fair.
Smithers, have you ever tried putting a price on happiness? It’s quite exhilarating.
I may be evil, but at least I’m profitable.
Smithers, remember: the ends justify the means, as long as the ends are profitable.
I don’t believe in luck. I believe in manipulating the odds.
Failure is not an option. It’s an opportunity for a hostile takeover.
Smithers, do you know what my secret to success is? Fear.
I love it when people underestimate me. It makes their downfall even more satisfying.
Smithers, let’s buy a tropical island and turn it into a tax haven.
Remember, Smithers, wealth is power. And with great power comes great wealth.
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