
M’aiq the Liar Quotes

M’aiq has seen many things, but nothing so foolish as a person searching for wisdom in a cat.

M’aiq does not understand why the people in this town dress like animals.

M’aiq once saw a talking mudcrab. Thinks he now understands why they’re so crabby.

M’aiq prefers the cold of Skyrim to the warmth of the desert. Keeps the tongue from wagging too much.

M’aiq loves money. So long as he does not have to part with it.

M’aiq does not steal. He merely borrows without asking.

M’aiq has traveled the world, and can confirm that the furniture in Skyrim is the most uncomfortable.

M’aiq knows why the chicken crossed the road. To escape his cooking pot!

M’aiq once met a talking horse. It had many stories to tell, but no one believed it.

M’aiq believes that if you truly want to find yourself, you must first lose yourself in the wilderness.

M’aiq understands why the Giants love their mammoths. They make such big snacks!

M’aiq thinks the Thieves Guild has a terrible marketing strategy. They should advertise on billboards, not in the shadows.

M’aiq knows that the secret to a long and happy life is to never take anything too seriously.

M’aiq is neither a liar nor a truth-teller. He is simply a teller of stories, some more true than others.

M’aiq once picked a fight with a mudcrab. Lost his temper and his pride.

M’aiq has never seen a dragon, but he once saw a lizard pretending to be one. It was quite amusing.

M’aiq believes that a good sense of humor is the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe.

M’aiq has been accused of spreading rumors, but he insists that he is only spreading the truth as he sees it.

M’aiq thinks that life is like a sweetroll. You never know what you’re going to get until you take a bite.

M’aiq has discovered that the best way to solve a problem is to ignore it and hope it goes away.

M’aiq once met a talking tree. It had no bark and no bite.

M’aiq has been accused of stealing horses. He only borrowed them to go for a joyride!

M’aiq believes that the best way to gain wisdom is to ask questions that have no answers.

M’aiq once swam across a river infested with slaughterfish. He barely made it out with his tail intact.

M’aiq thinks that the best way to defeat an enemy is to confuse them with riddles and tickle them until they surrender.

M’aiq knows that the key to a successful adventure is to never leave home without a bag of sweetrolls.

M’aiq has a theory that the longer one’s beard, the more lies they tell.

M’aiq once met a talking mudskipper. It told the best fish jokes.

M’aiq knows that the best way to find treasure is to follow the footprints of a sneaky Khajiit.

M’aiq believes that the secret to immortality is to eat nothing but cheese. Preferably aged.

M’aiq has traveled to Sovngarde and back, but he still can’t find his lost socks.

M’aiq knows that the best way to overcome fear is to take a running jump off a high mountain. It helps if you have a parachute.

M’aiq believes that the true measure of a person’s worth is the number of sweetrolls they can eat in one sitting.

M’aiq once climbed the Throat of the World. He found a hidden stash of cheese at the summit.

M’aiq knows that the true secret to success is to surround yourself with people who are even lazier than you.

M’aiq has seen the future, and it is filled with talking chickens and dancing dragons.

M’aiq once met a talking bear. It asked him if he knew the way to the nearest honey tree.

M’aiq believes that the best way to win a battle is to distract your enemy with a chorus of singing mudcrabs.

M’aiq knows that the true power of the Thu’um lies in the ability to shout really loud and scare away your enemies.

M’aiq thinks that the best way to impress a lady is to ride in on a flaming horse while juggling sweetrolls.

M’aiq has a theory that the true secret to happiness is to live life like you’re in a never-ending dance party.

M’aiq knows that the true beauty of the world can be found in the way a mudcrab scuttles sideways.

M’aiq believes that the true path to enlightenment is paved with an endless supply of skooma.

M’aiq knows that the best way to solve a problem is to throw it off a cliff and hope it lands on someone else’s head.

M’aiq has been accused of being a liar, but he insists that he is only speaking the truth as he sees it.

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