
Latin Quotes About Pain

Dolor hic adest, sed qui fugit condonatur. – Pain is here, but he who flees is forgiven.

Nulla est vita sine dolore. – There is no life without pain.

Dolor regit corpus, mens est vindex animi. – Pain rules the body, the mind is the avenger of the soul.

Dolor fortis animi fit levior. – Pain becomes lighter for the brave soul.

Dolor est consocius vitae. – Pain is the companion of life.

In dolore victorem vincit. – In pain, the conqueror is conquered.

Dolor est amara medicina. – Pain is bitter medicine.

Dolor honor est adverso tempore. – Pain is the honor of adverse times.

Dolor morte fortior est. – Pain is stronger than death.

Dolor vitam effugere non potest. – Pain cannot escape life.

Dolor est parvus malum, sed magnus discipulus. – Pain is a small evil, but a great teacher.

Dolor illa manet, sed mens invicta. – Pain remains, but the mind is unconquered.

Dolor est potentior quam auxilium. – Pain is more powerful than help.

Dolor est certus in certis temporibus. – Pain is certain in certain times.

In dolore, caritas vincit. – In pain, love conquers.

Dolor silentio triumphat. – Pain triumphs in silence.

Dolor est via ad fortitudinem. – Pain is the way to strength.

Dolor est mortis comes. – Pain is the companion of death.

Dolor est virtutis ignis. – Pain is the fire of virtue.

Latin Quotes About Pain part 2

Dolor est probatio fortitudinis. – Pain is the test of strength.

Dolor est via ad sapientiam. – Pain is the way to wisdom.

Dolor est virtutis custos. – Pain is the guardian of virtue.

Dolor est morte potentior. – Pain is stronger than death.

Dolor est certus in incertis temporibus. – Pain is certain in uncertain times.

Dolor est crucis ianua. – Pain is the gateway to the cross.

Dolor inhumanus est victor. – Pain is an inhuman conqueror.

Dolor est lex vitae. – Pain is the law of life.

Dolor est facere solvit. – Pain is the key to liberation.

Dolor est paupertatis custos. – Pain is the guardian of poverty.

Dolor est via ad felicitatem. – Pain is the way to happiness.

Dolor est certus in certis locis. – Pain is certain in certain places.

Dolor est prodigiosus magister. – Pain is a prodigious teacher.

Dolor est via ad veritatem. – Pain is the way to truth.

Dolor est amoris custos. – Pain is the guardian of love.

Dolor est certus in incertis locis. – Pain is certain in uncertain places.

Dolor est crucis custos. – Pain is the guardian of the cross.

Dolor est tyrannus. – Pain is a tyrant.

Dolor est paupertatis patronus. – Pain is the patron of poverty.

Dolor est via ad transcendere. – Pain is the way to transcendence.

Dolor est certus in tempore certis. – Pain is certain in certain times.

Dolor est rerum eventus. – Pain is the outcome of things.

Dolor est libertatis custos. – Pain is the guardian of freedom.

Dolor est via ad redemptionem. – Pain is the way to redemption.

Dolor est certus in locis certis. – Pain is certain in certain places.

Dolor est mundi princeps. – Pain is the ruler of the world.

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