
Kuzco Quotes

It’s a llama! Welcome to the new and improved Kuzcotopia!

I’m not a throw-pillow kind of guy, I’m more of a ‘scooter-through-the-palace’ kind of guy.

Why do we even have that lever?

No touchy!

I’m gonna take this… and turn it into this!

Listen, I’m the emperor. And I can do whatever I want.

Llamas are supposed to be light, fluffy, and full of air.

I’d like you to buy all my groceries from now on, thank you very much.

Everyone’s always trying to cheat you out of something. Everyone except me, of course.

You’re dismissed. That means go away, you know, like dismissed.

Who says I’m not gonna build a waterpark? In a llama pasture!

Do you have any idea how long it’s gonna take to train new guards? Great, thanks a lot!

I’m on top of the world feeling magnificent!

I’m sorry, I can’t help it if I’m popular.

I’m not just a thrill-seeker, I’m also a fun-seeker.

Why in the world would I have you in my dreams?

I’m not a scientist, I’m an emperor.

Are you talking to that squirrel? THAT is an odd thing to be doing.

Let me guess, you have a great personality.

I never make the same mistake twice. I make it five or six times, just to be sure.

Do not run in the hallways, you might get a splinter.

It’s a comedy classic. The peasant who saves the day against impossible odds.

I’m the one with the magic. I make the magic happen.

Hey, nice throw! No, really, I mean that.

You’d think someone who likes me so much would like me… so much.

Why am I here? What possible potential does a llama have?

Kuzco’s poison, the poison for Kuzco!

You’re not just saying that because I’m the emperor, are you?

You’re not gonna succeed, I’m living proof.

Just because I’m emperor doesn’t mean I can’t have a heart.

I have impressed myself, which is hard to do.

I’m not a fan of fresh air and natural light.

What do you mean I’m not allowed to throw a dance party in the courtyard?

Being nice is for the weak. I’ll take power any day.

Not the hair! Not the hair!

I never tell the same story twice. Unless, of course, there was a dragon involved.

What? I’m supposed to take a walk and enjoy nature? That’s crazy talk.

Why does everyone keep calling me unlikable? Just because I’m only out for myself?

Don’t you love the smell of power in the morning?

I can outrun an army of lamas and I can outrun you!

Do you have any idea how long it takes to get this beautiful?

There’s gotta be some sort of logic to this no-touchy business. Or not.

I’m like a thrill-seeking machine.

Does anyone else have dinner wear imprinted on their face? No? Just me then.

Who cares about a lame llama? I’m more interested in the llama that was?me!

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