Krishna Quotes – Wisdom from the Hindu deity

The mind is restless and difficult to control, but with practice and detachment, one can achieve inner peace. – Krishna

Do not let your sense desires rule over you, for they are the cause of suffering. – Krishna

Be fearless in your pursuit of truth and righteousness. – Krishna

The path to spiritual enlightenment is not easy, but it is worth the effort. – Krishna

Let go of attachments and desires, for they only bring temporary happiness. – Krishna

The body is temporary, but the soul is eternal. Focus on nurturing the soul. – Krishna

Seek knowledge and self-realization, for they are the keys to liberation. – Krishna

Do not let your actions be driven by desire for rewards, but by a sense of duty and selflessness. – Krishna

Strive to see the divine in all beings, for we are all connected. – Krishna

Do not be attached to the fruits of your actions, but focus on doing your best. – Krishna

True happiness lies in contentment and gratitude, not in acquiring material possessions. – Krishna

Let go of anger and learn to forgive, for it only holds you back from inner peace. – Krishna

Act with integrity and honesty, for it is the foundation of a virtuous life. – Krishna

Do not let your ego control your actions, but instead surrender to the divine will. – Krishna

The path of righteousness may be challenging, but it is the path that leads to liberation. – Krishna

Do not be attached to praise or criticism, but remain steadfast in your beliefs. – Krishna

Have faith in the divine plan, even when life seems difficult or unfair. – Krishna

Practice self-discipline and moderation in all aspects of life. – Krishna

Cultivate a peaceful and calm mind through meditation and self-reflection. – Krishna

Be kind and compassionate towards all beings, for we are all part of the same cosmic dance. – Krishna

Do not let past regrets or future worries distract you from the present moment. – Krishna

Embrace change, for it is the nature of life and the key to growth. – Krishna

Treat others with respect and empathy, for we are all on our own unique journey. – Krishna

Find joy in the simple pleasures of life, for they are the true source of happiness. – Krishna

Open your heart to love and let it guide your actions and decisions. – Krishna

Do not be swayed by external expectations or societal pressures, but trust in your own intuition. – Krishna

Seek solitude and silence to connect with your inner self and the divine. – Krishna

Do not cling to the past or worry about the future, but live fully in the present moment. – Krishna

Learn from your mistakes and failures, for they are the stepping stones to success. – Krishna

Have faith in the divine timing of things, and trust that everything happens for a reason. – Krishna

Take responsibility for your own happiness and well-being, for no one else can do it for you. – Krishna

Practice non-violence towards all beings, for violence only begets more violence. – Krishna

Let go of judgment and embrace acceptance, for it is the path to harmony. – Krishna

Do not be attached to the outcomes of your actions, but focus on doing what is right. – Krishna

Nurture your relationships with love, respect, and communication. – Krishna

Do not let past traumas define you, but instead learn from them and grow stronger. – Krishna

Cultivate gratitude for all that you have, for it is the key to abundance. – Krishna

Seek the company of wise and virtuous individuals, for they will inspire and uplift you. – Krishna

Do not be caught in the cycle of desire and attachment, but find contentment in what you have. – Krishna

Practice detachment from material possessions, for they are temporary and do not bring lasting happiness. – Krishna

Let go of the need for control and surrender to the flow of life. – Krishna

Do not let fear hold you back from pursuing your dreams and aspirations. – Krishna

Practice humility and let go of pride, for it only distances you from others. – Krishna

Do not be swayed by external validation, but trust in your own inner wisdom. – Krishna

Strive for balance in all aspects of your life, for it is the key to well-being. – Krishna

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