
Inspiring Quotes About Opportunity – Seizing Your Moment

Opportunity dances with those already on the floor.

Every setback is a setup for a comeback.

Seize the day, for opportunity wears a fleeting mask.

When one door closes, another opensâ€just don’t forget to look.

Opportunities are the whispers of destiny; listen closely.

In the garden of life, opportunity is the seed of success.

Your next big break could be disguised as a challenge.

Opportunities are the footprints of ambitionâ€follow them.

Every sunrise carries a chance; it’s up to you to rise with it.

Great opportunities often come in the form of hard work.

Success loves preparation; the opportunity will come knocking.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single opportunity.

The best time for new beginnings is nowâ€opportunity awaits.

Opportunity is the architect; you are the builder.

The universe is always offering chances; are you ready to catch them?

A closed mind is a closed door; open up to opportunity.

You miss 100% of the chances you don’t take.

Never let a good opportunity pass you byâ€it may not return.

Life’s opportunities are like rainbows; you have to chase them.

Sometimes, opportunity hides in the shadows of fear.

Fortune favors the braveâ€the bold seize their moments.

Every ending is just an opportunity for a new beginning.

Opportunity is the bridge between dreams and reality.

Take risks: if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise.

The clock is ticking; opportunity won’t wait forever.

Every moment is ripe with potential; harvest it wisely.

Bravery is the key that unlocks the door of opportunity.

Opportunities may seem modest, but they lead to monumental changes.

Don’t just wait for opportunity; create it.

Embrace change: opportunity often comes wrapped in uncertainty.

Write your own story; every page holds a potential opportunity.

Opportunities are like stars; don’t wait for the perfect moment to reach for them.

When life gives you lemons, investigate the opportunity for lemonade.

The road to success is paved with opportunitiesâ€drive forward.

An opportunity missed is a lesson learned for the future.

Make every moment count; opportunity is fleeting.

Challenges are merely opportunities in disguise.

Face the risk; opportunity is waiting on the other side.

Opportunities are seeds; plant them carefully.

Step outside your comfort zone; that’s where opportunity blooms.

Live boldly; the world is full of unexplored opportunities.

Opportunities are the gifts of chance; unwrap them.

Act on your instincts; they often guide you to opportunity.

Opportunity is a compass; let it guide you to new adventures.

Don’t wait for the perfect opportunity; create it yourself.

Vision without action is a daydream, but action on opportunity is fulfillment.

Opportunities are chapters in the book of your life; write them well.

Catch the wave of opportunity before it crashes.

To embrace opportunity is to embrace growth.

The horizon of opportunity is endless; keep your eyes on it.

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