
Hubris Quotes

Pride is the greatest enemy of progress.

Arrogance is a prison that keeps you from learning and growing.

Hubris blinds us to our own faults and weaknesses.

Humility is the key to true success.

Only a fool believes they are invincible.

When pride takes over, wisdom gets pushed aside.

Hubris is the father of all mistakes.

Confidence is admirable, but arrogance is insufferable.

The bigger the ego, the smaller the person.

Arrogance is the mask of insecurity.

It’s better to be humble and wise than proud and ignorant.

Pride comes before a fall.

The truly strong don’t need to boast.

Hubris is the downfall of many great empires.

Being humble doesn’t mean being weak.

Arrogance is the enemy of collaboration and teamwork.

There is no room for hubris in a genuine leader.

The higher the pedestal, the harder the fall.

Arrogance is a shield for deep-rooted insecurities.

Never underestimate the power of humility.

Pride blinds us to our own flaws.

The wise know that they always have more to learn.

Arrogance is an obstacle to personal growth.

True strength is found in vulnerability, not arrogance.

Hubris is like a black hole, sucking in everything around it.

Arrogance is the enemy of self-reflection.

Pride is a heavy burden to carry.

The path to success is paved with humility.

Only the foolish think they have nothing left to learn.

Hubris is the breeding ground for mistakes.

Arrogance is a sign of weakness disguised as strength.

True leaders lead with humility, not hubris.

The truly great know that they are always a student.

Pride keeps us from admitting when we’re wrong.

Arrogance is the downfall of many relationships.

Hubris is the enemy of empathy.

Wisdom is found in the spaces left by a lack of hubris.

Arrogance is the enemy of success.

Pride inflates the ego and deflates the spirit.

Hubris is the fire that consumes wisdom.

Arrogance is a prison with no bars.

Humility is the anchor that keeps us grounded.

Pride makes friends into enemies.

Hubris is the poison that corrupts the soul.

Arrogance is a never-ending battle with insecurities.

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