
Funny Craft Sayings

  1. I’m not addicted to crafting, I’m just dedicated.
  2. Crafting: because sometimes glue and glitter are the only solutions.
  3. Crafting is my superpower.
  4. I have a crafting problem and I’m not ashamed to admit it.
  5. Crafting is cheaper than therapy.
  6. Crafting: when you need to take a break from adulting.
  7. I’m not a hoarder, I’m a crafter.
  8. I’m not lazy, I’m just in a crafting coma.
  9. Crafting is my happy place.
  10. Crafting is like meditation, except you get to glue stuff.
  11. I’m not procrastinating, I’m just preparing to craft.
  12. I can’t adult today, I need to craft.
  13. I’m a crafting ninja, watch me glue.
  14. Crafting is my cardio.
  15. I don’t always craft, but when I do, I make a mess.
  16. Life is short, buy the craft supplies.
  17. I’m not a perfectionist, I’m just a crafter.
  18. Crafting is not a hobby, it’s a lifestyle.
  19. I don’t always have a plan, but when I craft, things usually turn out okay.
  20. Crafting is my therapy, my stress relief, and my happy place all in one.
  21. Crafting: because who needs a social life when you have a glue gun?
  22. I can’t come to the phone right now, I’m busy crafting.
  23. I never met a craft project I didn’t like.
  24. Crafting is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.
  25. Crafting is my passion, my purpose, and my pastime.
  26. I’m not weird, I’m just a crafter.
  27. Crafting is my way of showing love.
  28. I have a crafting addiction and I’m not ashamed to say it.
  29. Crafting is my anti-depressant.
  30. Crafting is not a phase, it’s a lifestyle.
  31. I’m not lazy, I’m just in a crafting trance.
  32. Crafting is my happy hour.
  33. I’m not a hoarder, I’m a collector of craft supplies.
  34. Crafting: because sometimes you just need to make something with your hands.
  35. Crafting is my escape from reality.
  36. I don’t always know what I’m doing, but that’s okay because I’m crafting.
  37. Crafting is my creative outlet.
  38. I’m not a craftaholic, I’m just enthusiastic.
  39. Crafting is my way of expressing myself.
  40. I’m not crazy, I’m just passionate about crafting.
  41. Crafting: where hot glue guns are the new black.
  42. I don’t always have a plan, but I always have a glue gun.
  43. Crafting is my favorite form of therapy.
  44. I’m not addicted to crafting, I’m just committed.
  45. Crafting is my way of making the world a more beautiful place.
  46. I’m not messy, I’m just in the middle of a crafting project.
  47. Crafting: when you need to take a break from reality and make something cute.
  48. I never met a crafting tool I didn’t like.
  49. Crafting is my favorite form of self-care.
  50. Crafting is cheaper than therapy (most of the time).
  51. The messier the craft, the more fun it was.
  52. I’m not messy, I’m just creatively chaotic.
  53. I don’t always finish my crafts, but when I do, it’s a miracle.
  54. Crafting is like a good workout for your creativity muscles.
  55. If at first, you don’t succeed, craft, craft again.
  56. I craft so I don’t strangle people.
  57. Crafting is my happy place.
  58. I’m not addicted to crafting, I just can’t stop.
  59. My husband/wife thinks I’m hoarding craft supplies, but I’m just being prepared.
  60. I’m not a hoarder, I’m a crafter.
  61. A messy crafter is just a clean crafter in disguise.
  62. Crafting is not a hobby, it’s a lifestyle.
  63. I could stop crafting, but I’m not a quitter.
  64. Crafting is like meditation, but with glue and glitter.
  65. I craft, therefore I am (happy).
  66. Crafting is my superpower.
  67. The best ideas come to me while I’m crafting.
  68. Crafting: the only time I’m truly in my happy place.
  69. I may be a crafter, but I’m not a perfectionist.
  70. Crafting: the perfect excuse to drink wine before 5 PM.
  71. Crafting is my cardio.
  72. My craft room is my sanctuary.
  73. I’m not a procrastinator, I’m just letting my craft ideas marinate.
  74. I don’t need therapy, I need more craft supplies.
  75. Crafting is not a hobby, it’s a love affair.
  76. Crafting is like a puzzle, but without the frustration.
  77. Crafting: turning hot glue and fabric into magic.
  78. Crafting is not just for kids, it’s for adults who refuse to grow up.
  79. I don’t have a problem, I have a craft room.
  80. Crafting: where creativity meets chaos.
  81. I’m not a pack rat, I’m a crafter with a vision.
  82. Crafting is the best way to procrastinate productively.
  83. I craft because punching people is frowned upon.
  84. Crafting: the perfect way to avoid doing laundry.
  85. Crafting is not just a hobby, it’s a way of life.
  86. I don’t need a therapist, I need more yarn.
  87. Crafting: where I can be messy and creative without judgment.
  88. I don’t always know what I’m doing, but I’m always having fun crafting.
  89. Crafting is like a warm hug for your soul.
  90. Crafting is not just about making things, it’s about making memories.
  91. I’m not bossy, I’m just a crafty leader.
  92. Crafting is not a hobby, it’s a passion.
  93. I may not have it all together, but my craft supplies do.
  94. Crafting is the perfect way to spend a rainy day.
  95. I craft, therefore I am (crafty).
  96. My craft room is my happy place.
  97. Crafting: where creativity meets caffeine.
  98. I don’t need a million dollars, I just need more craft supplies.
  99. Crafting is like therapy, but with scissors and glue.
  100. Crafting is cheaper than therapy, and you get to keep the results!

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