
Funny Cow Sayings

  1. Don’t have a cow, man!
  2. Holy cow!
  3. That’s udderly ridiculous!
  4. You’re milking it!
  5. That’s no bull!
  6. I’m not a morning moo-d kind of cow.
  7. I’m udderly exhausted.
  8. Let’s hoof it!
  9. I’m cow-fused.
  10. I’m feeling a little pasture-ized.
  11. Cowabunga!
  12. I’m not one to toot my own horn, but…
  13. I’ve got beef with that.
  14. That’s pasture bedtime.
  15. I’m trying to steer clear of drama.
  16. I don’t want to be a moo-d killer, but…
  17. Mooove over, please.
  18. I’m in a bit of a cow-undrum.
  19. I’m not sure if I’m pasture prime anymore.
  20. I’m feeling a little moody.
  21. That’s a lot of bull!
  22. I’m feeling pasture-ized.
  23. I don’t mean to sound cheesy, but…
  24. I’m feeling a little cow-tious.
  25. Let’s milk this for all it’s worth!
  26. I’m a cash cow!
  27. Let’s not have a beef about it.
  28. I’m feeling a little stir-crazy.
  29. I’m feeling a little hoof-hearted.
  30. I’m having a cow over this!
  31. That’s a moo-t point.
  32. I’m not sure if I’m ready for the big pasture.
  33. I’m feeling pasture-ly challenged.
  34. I’m in a bit of a pasture pickle.
  35. I’m feeling a little moo-dy.
  36. That’s the cream of the crop!
  37. I’m feeling a little moo-tivated.
  38. I’m feeling a little cow-ardly.
  39. That’s moo-sic to my ears!
  40. I’m feeling a little udder the weather.
  41. I’m not one to beat around the bush, but…
  42. I’m feeling pasture-perfect!
  43. I’m feeling a little cow-nfused.
  44. I’m feeling pasture-sighted.
  45. Let’s not milk this any longer.
  46. I’m feeling a little pasture-tential.
  47. I’m feeling a little cow-nnected.
  48. I’m feeling pasture-eptic.
  49. I’m feeling a little moo-sy.
  50. I’m feeling a little pasture-ly.
  51. That’s moo-sic to my ears!
  52. I’m feeling pasture-rized.
  53. I’m feeling a little cow-culated.
  54. I’m feeling a little pasture-wise.
  55. That’s cowtastic!
  56. I’m feeling a little pasture-cipated.
  57. I’m feeling udderly fantastic!
  58. I’m feeling pasture-ific!
  59. I’m feeling a little moo-dern.
  60. I’m feeling a little pasture-punk.
  61. I’m feeling pasture-bulous!
  62. I’m feeling a little cow-llective.
  63. That’s pasture-fection!
  64. I’m feeling pasture-riffic.
  65. I’m feeling a little moo-tivational.
  66. That’s pasture-tively amazing!
  67. I’m feeling a little pasture-fied.
  68. Why did the cow cross the road? To get to the udder side!
  69. What do you call a cow that plays music? A moosician.
  70. What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor? ‘Where’s my moo-ving vehicle?’
  71. What do you call a cow that’s just given birth? De-calf-inated.
  72. Why did the cow go to outer space? To see the moooon.
  73. What do you get when you cross a cow and a kangaroo? A jumper cable.
  74. What do you call a cow that’s just had a baby? A cow-mom-moo-flage.
  75. Why did the cow go to the seance? To talk to the udder side.
  76. Why don’t cows wear watches? Because they already have moootilations.
  77. What do you get when you cross a cow and a sheep? A woolly burger.
  78. What do cows do on their day off? They go to the moovies.
  79. What do you call a cow that’s just won a gold medal? A moo-lympian.
  80. Why did the cow go to the doctor? She was feeling udderly terrible.
  81. Why don’t cows ever wear shoes? They prefer moooccasins.
  82. What do you call a cow that’s always on the phone? A telemoos-er.
  83. What do you get when you cross a cow and a duck? Milk and quackers.
  84. Why did the cow go to the gym? To beef up.
  85. What do you call a cow that’s always late? A moos-tard.
  86. What do you get when you cross a cow and a frog? A cow that says, ‘ribbit’.
  87. Why don’t cows ever have parties? They’re always afraid of being cowed-out.
  88. What do you call a cow that’s a detective? An udder-cover agent.
  89. Why did the cow go to the art museum? To see the moosterpieces.
  90. What do you get when you cross a cow and a porcupine? A steak with needles.
  91. Why did the cow go to the dentist? She had a moo-thache.
  92. What do you call a cow that’s always singing? A moo-sician.
  93. Why did the cow go to the fancy restaurant? To order some filet mignon.
  94. What do you call a cow that’s always cleaning? A moo-per.
  95. What do you get when you cross a cow and a clown? A moo-sical act.
  96. Why did the cow go to the beach? To get a tan and some moos.
  97. What do you call a cow that’s always laughing? A gigglemoo.
  98. Why don’t cows ever use computers? They always end up hitting the cow-trol-alt-delete buttons.
  99. What do you get when you cross a cow and a giraffe? A milkshake with a long straw.
  100. Why did the cow go to the veterinarian? To get a check-up.

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