Love is overrated, fuck it.
Love is just a four-letter word, fuck it.
Fuck love, give me money.
Love is for the weak, fuck it.
Love is a trap, fuck it.
Screw love, I’m better off alone.
Love is a waste of time, fuck it.
Fuck love, I’ll take success any day.
Love is like a drug, fuck it.
Relationships are overrated, fuck love.
Love is a battlefield, fuck it.
I don’t need love, I need freedom. Fuck it.
Love is a fairytale, and I’m no princess. Fuck it.
Love is for fools, fuck it.
Fuck love, I’ll take adventure.
Love is for Dreamers, fuck it.
Love is a game, and I’m not playing. Fuck it.
Screw love, I’ll take power.
Love is a fantasy, fuck it.
Love is a distraction, fuck it.
Fuck love, I’d rather be alone.
Love is a disease, fuck it.
Love is for the weak-hearted, fuck it.
Fuck love, I’ll take independence.
Love is for the naive, fuck it.
Love is an illusion, fuck it.
Love is a lie, fuck it.
Fuck love, I’ll take adventure any day.
Love is a prison, fuck it.
Love is for the fools, fuck it.
Love is a mirage, fuck it.
Fuck love, I’ll take happiness.
Love is for the dreamers, fuck it.
Love is a curse, fuck it.
Love is for the hopeless, fuck it.
Fuck love, I’ll take success.
Fuck love quotes part 2
Love is a trap, and I’m not falling for it. Fuck it.
Love is for the weak-willed, fuck it.
Love is a myth, fuck it.
Love is a path to destruction, fuck it.
Fuck love, I’ll take my independence any day.
Love is for the deluded, fuck it.
Love is for the fools, fuck it.
Love is for the weak, and I’m not weak. Fuck it.
Fuck love, I’ll take control of my own happiness.
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