I don’t have a drinking problem, I have a drinking solution.
I should stop drinking, but I’m not a quitter.
I drink to make other people more interesting.
I’m not drunk, I’m just drinking in cursive.
Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.
Alcohol may be man’s worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy.
Work is the curse of the drinking classes.
Whisky is liquid sunshine.
I drink and I know things.
Alcohol, because no great story ever started with someone eating a salad.
I’m not an alcoholic, I’m a professional.
I drink to forget that I’m a bartender.
Wine not?
Drink responsibly, don’t spill it.
Save water, drink beer.
Drink like a fish, swim like a mermaid.
In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria.
Beer: proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.
I’m not drunk, I’m just overly hydrated.
I love cooking with wine, sometimes I even put it in the food!
I drink to forget most things, but I never forget to drink.
Vodka is just fun water.
I only drink on days that end with ‘y’.
Drinking may not solve your problems, but neither will water or milk.
Drink, because no great story started with someone eating kale.
It’s not drinking alone if the dog is home.
I’m not drunk, I’m just embracing my inner pirate.
Drinking Sayings – Cheers to the Perfect Words for Raising a Glass! part 2
Drink beer, save water.
You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy whisky.
Beer: because empathy is overrated.
I may not be perfect, but my wine is.
I’m not an alcoholic, I’m a wine enthusiast.
I am not a heavy drinker, I’m just thirsty.
In wine, there’s the truth; in beer, there’s strength; and in water, bacteria.
I love whiskey, it’s my jam.
Drink like there’s no tomorrow, because there’s no guarantee there will be.
I only drink on days that end in ‘y’… and during happy hour.
Beer makes everything better.
I don’t need therapy, I just need a bottle of wine.
It’s five o’clock somewhere!
Good friends bring happiness; great friends bring beer.
There’s always time for a glass of wine.
I drink responsibly, I never spill a drop.
Drinking wine is my way of getting closer to the universe.
Alcohol is not the answer, it just makes you forget the question.
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