If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else.
People are in such a hurry to grow up, and then long to be children again.
The borrower is slave to the lender.
There are no shortcuts when it comes to success.
You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you.
Debt is not a tool.
If you’re going to worry about what people say, you’re never going to make any progress.
Change is painful. But, nothing is as painful as staying stuck where you do not belong.
Being a giver is living the life God created us to live.
Rich people stay rich by living like they’re broke. Broke people stay broke by living like they’re rich.
You must walk to the beat of a different drummer. The same beat that the wealthy hear. If the beat sounds normal, evacuate the dance floor immediately!
The enemy of ‘the best’ is not ‘the worst.’ The enemy of ‘the best’ is ‘just fine.’
You must plan your life as if you are going to live forever.
A goal without a plan is just a wish.
If you’re not following someone who’s ahead of you, you’re walking the wrong way.
When you have the opportunity to rush in and help, do it with all you’ve got. You never know when you’re going to be the one in need.
Don’t let fear stop you from doing the thing your heart tells you to do.
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.
Dave Ramsey Quotes – Inspiring Financial Wisdom and Motivation part 2
We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like.
The truth is that life is about living within your means. If you can’t buy it with cash, then you can’t afford it.
The secret to success is found in your daily routine.
Take control of your money. Life will be harder if you don’t.
You must tell your money what to do. If you don’t, you’ll wonder where it went.
Don’t work for money. Make money work for you.
Sometimes you have to sacrifice short-term comfort for long-term success.
Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do.
If you want to be rich, all you have to do is everything right all the time.
The biggest difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people are willing to do what unsuccessful people are not.
Success is never owned, it’s rented. And the rent is due every day.
The only difference between a rich person and a poor person is how they use their time.
You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.
You can either be a victim of circumstance or a student of experience. The choice is yours.
If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.
Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.
A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.
It’s not what you make that matters, it’s what you keep.
You must gain control over the money or the lack of it will forever control you.
You must gain control over your thoughts or your emotions will forever control you.
Success is a choice.
If you’re not willing to risk, you can’t grow.
The only way to succeed is to be yourself and to work at what you love.
The moment you decide to step out and do something big, you’ll face criticism.
If you try to be everything to everyone, you’ll end up being no one to anyone.
Never give up on something you believe in, even if everyone else tells you to.
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.
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