I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific. – Lily Tomlin
I’m sorry, if you were right, I’d agree with you. – Robin Williams
I don’t want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying. – Woody Allen
My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far, I’ve finished two bags of M&Ms and a chocolate cake. I feel better already. – Dave Barry
I have a lot of growing up to do. I realized that the other day inside my fort. – Zach Galifianakis
I’m not a vegetarian because I love animals. I’m a vegetarian because I hate plants. – A. Whitney Brown
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. – Terry Pratchett
I used to be Snow White, but I drifted. – Mae West
I’m not bossy, I just know what you should be doing. – Ellen DeGeneres
I’m sorry, if you were right, I’d agree with you. – Bill Murray
I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious. – Michael Scott (The Office)
Marriage is really tough because you have to deal with feelings… and lawyers. – Richard Pryor
My mother always used to say: ‘The older you get, the better you get, unless you’re a banana.’ – Roseanne Barr
Comedian Quotes part 2
Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes. – Jim Carrey
You can’t have everything. Where would you put it? – Steven Wright
I live by ‘Go big or go home.’ That’s with everything. It’s like either commit and go for it or don’t do it at all. I apply that to everything. I apply that to relationships, I apply that to like sports, I apply that to everything. That’s what I live by. That’s how I like it. – Paul Walker
I’m sorry, if you were right, I’d agree with you. – John Lennon
I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me. – Fred Allen
You know you’re getting old when you stoop to tie your shoelaces and wonder what else you could do while you’re down there. – George Burns
I don’t understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine’s Day. When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short, chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon. – Unknown
The first time I see a jogger smiling, I’ll consider it. – Joan Rivers
Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone. – Anthony Burgess
No matter what you think you’ll get used to the idea of dying, but you’re not going to. – Steve Martin
Some people have a way with words, and other people…oh, uh, not have way. – Steve Martin
The only time a woman really succeeds in changing a man is when he is a baby. – Natalie Wood
The only reason I would ever call you beautiful is because I only have a limited vocabulary. – Unknown
I’m sorry, if you were right, I’d agree with you. – Rodney Dangerfield
A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory. – Steven Wright
All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure. – Mark Twain
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. – Terry Pratchett
It takes a lot of money to look this cheap. – Dolly Parton
Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes. – Jim Carrey
Life is like a sewer… what you get out of it depends on what you put into it. – Tom Lehrer
All my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should have been more specific. – Jane Wagner
My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them. – Mitch Hedberg
My biggest professional ambition is to get a decrease in fan mail. – Phyllis Diller
I have a vest, if I had my arms cut off, it would be a jacket. – Mitch Hedberg
I like rice. Rice is great if you’re hungry and want 2,000 of something. – Mitch Hedberg
Always go to other people’s funerals, otherwise, they won’t come to yours. – Yogi Berra
I’m sorry, if you were right, I’d agree with you. – Dolly Parton
I’m busy! Well, not tonight but I’m also busy tonight. – Unknown
You haven’t lost your smile at all, it’s right under your nose. You just forgot it was there. – Unknown
Do you ever just look at someone and wonder, ‘What is going on inside their head?’ – Unknown
I always toy with the idea of getting a piece of tattoo. – Graham Norton
I haven’t slept for ten days, because that would be too long. – Mitch Hedberg
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