Chinua Achebe Quotes – Wisdom and Insight from a Literary Giant

It is the storyteller’s privilege to use disturbing themes to give voice to the voiceless.

Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.

Art is man’s constant effort to create for himself a different order of reality from that which is given to him.

The world is like a mask dancing. If you want to see it well, you do not stand in one place.

A man who makes trouble for others is also making trouble for himself.

When suffering knocks at your door and you say there is no seat for him, he tells you not to worry because he has brought his own stool.

Proverbs are the palm oil with which words are eaten.

If you don’t like someone’s story, write your own.

When the moon is shining, the cripple becomes hungry for a walk.

One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised.

Whenever you see a toad jumping in broad daylight, then know that something is after its life.

When a leopard dies, the goat becomes a chief.

Sometimes you have to get up and leave so the message can arrive.

You can tell a ripe corn by its look.

An old woman is always uneasy when dry bones are mentioned in a proverb.

He who will hold another down in the mud must stay in the mud to keep him down.

Age is never respected in Africa.

A child that washes his hands clean, eats with kings.

When the original goals of freedom and equality are forgotten, people will manipulate symbols.

Chinua Achebe Quotes – Wisdom and Insight from a Literary Giant part 2

There is no story that is not true.

When in a group of trees, one tree does not grow straight, it must be cut down.

The rain does not fall on one roof alone.

When stories are listened to, worries are shared.

A snake that does not swallow its prey has no venom.

Until the day the story of the hunt is told by the lion, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.

A man who calls his kinsmen to a feast does not do so to save them from starving.

One cannot count on riches.

A kite flies highest against the wind.

Do not blame God for creating the tiger, but thank him for not giving it wings.

A chick that will grow into a cock can be spotted on the day it hatches.

When suffering knocks at your door and you say there is no seat for him, he tells you not to worry because he has brought his own stool.

No condition is permanent.

The heart of the wise man lies quiet like limpid water.

If you see a toad sitting in the middle of the road, you can be sure it was not there in error.

The chick that will grow into a rooster can be spotted the very day it hatches.

Neutralization is a delaying tactic.

If a toad jumps in broad daylight, then something is after its life.

If the great God had desired me to be a white man, he would have made me so in the first place.

When the moon is shining, the cripple becomes hungry for a walk.

Children are not albinos of their parents.

A person who is unable to dance will say that the yard is stony.

Nobody wins when the family feuds.

There is no such thing as a taboo in stories.

Nobody can teach me who I am.

If one finger brings oil, it soils the others.

Alfred Sorsazo

A seeker of inspiration and beauty in words. I share quotes that touch the soul, provoke thought, and inspire change.

Finding and sharing wisdom that helps you better understand yourself and the world around you. Why quotes? Short phrases contain incredible power - they can inspire, support, give hope, or just make you smile.

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