Shame can only survive in silence and secrecy.
Vulnerability is not about winning or losing, it’s about showing up and being seen.
Shame loves perfectionists, it’s their birthplace.
You don’t have to be perfect to be worthy of love and belonging.
Shame is the gremlin who says, ‘You’re not good enough.’
Shame corrodes the very part of us that believes we are capable of change.
Owning our story can be hard, but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it.
Shame is that warm feeling that washes over us, making us feel small, flawed, and never good enough.
Shame is the intensely painful feeling that we are unworthy of love and belonging.
Shame breeds in secrecy, silence, and judgment.
Shame is often a barrier to vulnerability and connection.
Shame needs three things to grow exponentially: secrecy, silence, and judgment.
Shame can only survive in an environment of judgment and silence.
Shame is the silent epidemic that keeps us from living wholeheartedly.
Shame keeps us small, stuck, and disconnected from ourselves and others.
Shame tells us that we are fundamentally flawed and unworthy of love and belonging.
Shame is not a useful emotion; it only holds us back from living our most authentic lives.
Shame is the enemy of vulnerability and connection.
Shame thrives in the darkness; it loses its power when brought into the light.
Brene Brown Quotes on Shame part 2
Shame is a tool of the oppressor; it keeps us in a constant state of self-doubt and fear.
Shame is the wall that separates us from true connection and intimacy.
Shame is the thief of joy and authenticity.
Shame says, ‘You’re not enough.’ Empathy says, ‘You are enough.’
Shame is the battlefield of brokenness and healing.
Shame cannot survive empathy and understanding.
Shame needs secrecy to thrive; vulnerability is its greatest enemy.
Shame loses its power when we share our story with a supportive and empathetic listener.
Shame cannot survive empathy and compassion.
Shame is the story we tell ourselves about being fundamentally flawed and unworthy of love.
Shame is a self-imposed prison; vulnerability is the key to our release.
Shame is a weapon that keeps us small and prevents us from stepping into our greatness.
Shame is not a reflection of who we are, but rather of the messages we have internalized.
Shame is not a lasting feeling; it can be transformed through self-compassion and understanding.
Shame is a call to action, a sign that something needs to change within ourselves or our environment.
Shame is not a sign of weakness; it is a sign that we are human and capable of growth.
Shame is the voice that tells us we are not worthy of love and belonging.
Shame is an invitation to practice self-compassion and self-forgiveness.
Shame thrives on silence; it loses its power when we speak our truth.
Shame is the wound that requires empathy and understanding to heal.
Shame is the fear of being unlovable; vulnerability is the courage to be seen for who we truly are.
Shame is a mirror that distorts our perception of ourselves and others.
Shame is a story we have told ourselves about our worthiness and lovability.
Shame keeps us disconnected from our true selves and from experiencing genuine connection with others.
Shame is not who we are; it is a feeling that can be explored and understood.
Shame is not our truth; it is a distorted perception of ourselves based on societal expectations.
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