
Bill Parcells Quotes

Success is not a sometimes thing, it’s an all the time thing.

The road to success is always under construction.

If you have a good team, you will have a good chance to succeed.

You are what your record says you are.

There’s only one way to succeed in anything and that is to give it everything.

You can’t build a reputation on what you’re going to do.

The biggest thing is to keep your players focused and motivated.

Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.

If you work hard and you’re committed, anything is possible.

Never let fear of failure stop you from pursuing your dreams.

The harder you work, the luckier you get.

Success is knowing your purpose in life and pursuing it with passion.

Success is not about the destination, it’s about the journey.

Success is not how high you climb, but how you make the climb.

Every champion was once a contender that refused to give up.

The key to success is to stay humble and hungry.

Success is not just about winning, it’s also about helping others succeed.

Success is not about the number of wins, but the impact you make on others.

Success is not a destination, it’s a mindset.

You have to believe in yourself before anyone else will believe in you.

Success is not about the size of your paycheck, but the size of your impact.

Success is not about being the best, it’s about being your best.

Success is not about luck, it’s about preparation meeting opportunity.

The only thing standing between you and your goal is the story you keep telling yourself.

Success comes to those who work hard and stay focused.

Success is not about the trophies and accolades, but the character you develop along the way.

Success is not about what others think of you, but what you think of yourself.

Success is not about the destination, but the person you become in the process.

Success is not about being perfect, but about making progress every day.

Success is not a goal to be achieved, but a way of living.

Success is not about finding yourself, but about creating yourself.

Success is not about being the best, but about being better than you were yesterday.

Success is not about having all the answers, but asking the right questions.

Success is not about being fearless, but having the courage to face your fears.

Success is not about waiting for the perfect moment, but creating it.

Success is not about being lucky, but making your own luck.

Success is not about following the crowd, but following your heart.

Success is not about the obstacles in your way, but the opportunities they present.

Success is not about the failures, but the lessons you learn from them.

Success is not about the destination, but the person you become in the process.

Success is not about being the best, but about being better than you were yesterday.

Success is not about having all the answers, but asking the right questions.

Success is not about being fearless, but having the courage to face your fears.

Success is not about waiting for the perfect moment, but creating it.

Success is not about being lucky, but making your own luck.

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