
Baseball love quotes

Baseball is more than a game, it’s a passion.

Love is like baseball, you never know when you’ll hit a home run.

I’ve got a baseball-sized hole in my heart, and only you can fill it.

Baseball is the glue that holds our love together.

In baseball and love, you’ve got to be willing to take risks.

I may not be a pro baseball player, but I’ll always be your number one fan.

You stole my heart like a base runner stealing second.

Our love is as strong as a line drive to the outfield.

Just like in baseball, our love has its ups and downs, but we always come out on top.

You’re the MVP of my heart.

I may strike out in baseball, but I’ll never strike out in love.

Our love is a grand slam in the game of life.

You make my heart race faster than a stolen base.

Our love story is written in the stitches of a baseball.

You’re the pitch I never want to miss.

Just like a baseball game, our love is full of surprises and excitement.

I’d choose you over a World Series any day.

You’ve stolen not only my heart, but also all the bases.

Our love is a home run in a world of foul balls.

I’ll be your catcher, always ready to catch you when you fall.

You’re the curveball that always keeps me guessing in love.

Our love is like a perfectly timed double play, it just keeps getting better.

You’re the diamond in my life, the center of my baseball universe.

With you by my side, every day feels like opening day.

You’re the Babe Ruth of my heart, hitting home runs with every word you say.

Our love is in a league of its own.

You’re my MVP, the Most Valuable Partner in life.

In the game of love, you’re the perfect pitch.

Our love is as timeless as America’s pastime.

I’ll be your designated hitter, always ready to step up to the plate for you.

You’re the grand slam that makes my heart soar.

Just like a baseball team, we’re stronger together than we are apart.

You’re the coach of my heart, guiding me to victory in love.

Our love is a never-ending inning, with no shortage of excitement and surprises.

You’re the bat that brings power and strength to my life.

You make my heart race faster than a stolen base.

Our love is like a well-executed double play, smooth and seamless.

You’re the pitch I’ll never be able to resist.

Our love is a winning streak that never ends.

Just like a baseball game, our love is full of unexpected twists and turns.

You’re my all-star, the one who never fails to amaze me.

Our love is like a perfectly executed bunt, small but effective.

You’re the MVP of my heart, always taking the lead in love.

Our love is like a perfectly timed steal, leaving everyone in awe.

You’re the home run that makes all the hard work and practice worth it in the end.

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