Zombie Sayings

  • When there’s no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth. – Dawn of the Dead (1978)
  • Zombies don’t give up, and neither should you.
  • Zombie life: all the brains, none of the responsibility.
  • Zombies: They’re dying to meet you.
  • The zombie apocalypse: because life wasn’t hard enough already.
  • Zombies may be dead, but they’re still hungry for more.
  • Zombie hunter by day, zombie food by night.
  • Zombies are just like people, only deader.
  • Zombie survival tip: cardio, cardio, cardio.
  • Zombies aren’t the only things that come back from the dead.
  • Zombies are proof that sometimes death is just the beginning.
  • Zombies: the ultimate diet plan.
  • When the going gets tough, the tough get a chainsaw.
  • Zombies: the original walking dead.
  • Zombie apocalypse: the ultimate stress test.
  • Zombies: they’re always in the mood for a bite.
  • Zombie life hack: always aim for the head.
  • Zombies don’t discriminate – they’ll eat anyone.
  • Zombie survival rule #1: don’t get bitten.
  • Zombies: the ultimate party crashers.
  • Zombie outbreak? Time to lock and load.
  • Zombies are a reminder to always have a plan B.
  • Zombie life: always chasing brains, never catching a break.
  • Zombies: the ultimate slow-moving threat.
  • Zombies may be undead, but they’re still dangerous.
  • Zombie survival tip: stay out of the cemetery.
  • Zombies: the ultimate in viral marketing.
  • Zombies: when life gives you lemons, just eat the lemons.
  • Zombie life: it’s not easy being dead, but it beats the alternative.
  • Zombies: they’re like a bad penny – they just keep coming back.
  • Zombie survival rule #2: always have a blunt object handy.
  • Zombies: they’re not picky eaters.
  • Zombies: the ultimate example of mindless consumerism.
  • Zombie life: brains are the new black.
  • Zombie outbreak? Don’t panic – just grab a shotgun.
  • Zombies: the ultimate in organic, locally sourced meat.
  • Zombies: they’re just like us, only deader and smellier.
  • Zombie survival tip: always have a backup plan.
  • Zombies: the ultimate in green energy.
  • Zombie life: it’s not just a job, it’s an infection.
  • Zombie outbreak? Time to stock up on canned food and ammunition.
  • Zombies: the ultimate in recycling.
  • Zombies: they’re like snowflakes – each one is unique and terrifying.
  • Zombie survival rule #3: always aim for the head.
  • Zombies: the ultimate in peer pressure.
  • Zombie life: all the hunger, none of the guilt.
  • Zombie outbreak? Time to start building that underground bunker.
  • Zombies: the ultimate in population control.
  • Zombies: they’re not just for Halloween anymore.
  • Zombie survival tip: always travel light.
  • Zombie life: just another day at the office.
  • Zombie outbreak? Better start practicing your headshots.
  • Zombies: the ultimate in dead-end careers.
  • Zombies: the ultimate in non-discriminatory hiring practices.
  • Zombie life: it’s hard to make friends when all you want to do is eat their brains.
  • Zombie outbreak? It’s the end of the world as we know it.
  • Zombies: the ultimate in personal hygiene.
  • Zombies: they’re not just a problem, they’re an opportunity.
  • Zombie survival tip: always keep your eyes peeled.
  • Zombies: the ultimate in free-range, organic meat.
  • Zombie life: no need for a retirement plan.
  • Zombie outbreak? Time to start hoarding toilet paper.
  • Zombies: the ultimate in job security.
  • Zombies: they’re the gift that keeps on giving… until they eat your brains.
  • Zombie survival rule #4: never let your guard down.
  • Zombies: the ultimate in sustainable agriculture.
  • Zombies: they’re like a bad cold – once you’ve got it, it’s hard to shake.
  • Zombie life: always on the hunt for a fresh meal.
  • Zombie outbreak? Time to start practicing your cardio.
  • Zombies: the ultimate in quiet neighbors.
  • Zombies: they’re like a bad penny – they keep turning up at the worst possible times.
  • Zombie survival tip: always have a backup weapon.
  • Zombies: the ultimate in job creation.
  • Zombies: they’re not just a problem, they’re a lifestyle.
  • Zombie life: no need for an alarm clock when you’re always hungry.
  • Zombie outbreak? Time to start digging that moat.
  • Zombies: the ultimate in DIY projects.
  • Zombies: they’re like a bad dream, only you can’t wake up.
  • Zombie survival rule #5: never underestimate the power of teamwork.
  • Zombies: the ultimate in equal opportunity employers.
  • Zombies: they’re like a bad rash – once you’ve got it, it’s hard to get rid of.
  • Zombie life: it’s not just a hobby, it’s a passion.
  • Zombie outbreak? Time to start stocking up on canned goods and bottled water.
  • Zombies: the ultimate in pest control.
  • Zombies: they’re like a bad smell – they just won’t go away.
  • Zombie survival tip: always have an escape plan.
  • Zombies: the ultimate in disaster preparedness.
  • Zombies: they’re not just a problem, they’re an epidemic.
  • Zombie life: the ultimate in low-carb diets.
  • Zombie outbreak? Time to start sharpening those machetes.
  • Zombies: the ultimate in anti-social behavior.
  • Zombies: they’re like a bad habit – hard to break and even harder to ignore.
  • Zombie survival rule #6: never let your guard down, even for a second.
  • Zombies: the ultimate in natural selection.
  • Zombies: they’re like a bad penny – they keep turning up even when you thought you got rid of them.
  • Zombie life: the ultimate in stress relief.
  • Zombie outbreak? Time to start practicing your aim and reloading skills.
  • Zombies: the ultimate in mindless consumption.
  • Zombies: they’re like a bad joke – nobody’s laughing, but they keep coming.
  • Zombie survival tip: always have a backup plan… and then another backup plan.

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