Sayings are called words of wisdom.
Sayings are called pearls of wisdom.
Sayings are called proverbs.
Sayings are called adages.
Sayings are called maxims.
Sayings are called aphorisms.
Sayings are called wise old sayings.
Sayings are called popular sayings.
Sayings are called traditional sayings.
Sayings are called well-known phrases.
Sayings are called idiomatic expressions.
Sayings are called axioms.
Sayings are called clichés.
Sayings are called truisms.
Sayings are called old adages.
Sayings are called catchphrases.
Sayings are called time-honored sayings.
Sayings are called golden sayings.
Sayings are called pithy sayings.
Sayings are called age-old sayings.
Sayings are called moral sayings.
Sayings are called folk sayings.
Sayings are called traditional wisdom.
Sayings are called popular expressions.
Sayings are called wise sayings.
Sayings are called ancient wisdom.
Sayings are called famous sayings.
Sayings are called cultural sayings.
Sayings are called rhetorical phrases.
Sayings are called enduring sayings.
Sayings are called timeless sayings.
Sayings are called ancestral sayings.
Sayings are called memorable sayings.
Sayings are called universal wisdom.
Sayings are called insightful sayings.
Sayings are called engaging expressions.
Sayings are called folklore sayings.
Sayings are called illuminating maxims.
Sayings are called captivating phrases.
Sayings are called moral reflections.
Sayings are called poetic sayings.
Sayings are called profound expressions.
Sayings are called enlightening adages.
Sayings are called thought-provoking sayings.
Sayings are called enduring maxims.
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