Trolls Sayings

  • Don’t feed the trolls.
  • Trolls gonna troll.
  • Stay strong and ignore the trolls.
  • When life gives you trolls, make memes.
  • Troll-ception: trolling the trolls who troll the trolls.
  • Keep calm and carry on trolling.
  • Don’t take the bait, rise above the trolls.
  • Trolling is an art form.
  • Trolls may break your bones, but words will never hurt you.
  • You can’t please everyone, especially the trolls.
  • The trolls are strong with this one.
  • Keep trolling, it’s what keeps the internet interesting.
  • The best way to deal with trolls is to ignore them and move on.
  • Behind every troll is a keyboard warrior.
  • Don’t get caught in the trap of feeding the trolls.
  • Trolls thrive on attention, so don’t give them any.
  • Don’t let the trolls bring you down.
  • Trolls be like, I’m not trolling, I’m just speaking my mind.
  • Trolling is a way of life for some.
  • Stay classy, don’t feed the trolls.
  • Trolls come and go, but the internet lives on.
  • Trolls are like weeds, you can’t get rid of them all.
  • Don’t let the trolls get the best of you.
  • Sometimes, you just gotta laugh at the trolls.
  • The best way to deal with trolls is to out-troll them.
  • Trolls hate it when you don’t take them seriously.
  • Trolling is just another form of entertainment.
  • Don’t stoop to the level of the trolls, rise above.
  • Trolls can be mean, but you’re stronger than their words.
  • Trolls love attention, so don’t give them any.
  • If you can’t beat the trolls, join them.
  • Trolls are like bad weather, you just have to wait it out.
  • Don’t let the trolls ruin your day.
  • Trolls are just people with too much time on their hands.
  • You can’t argue with a troll, it’s like trying to teach a pig to sing.
  • Trolls are like mosquitoes, annoying but harmless.
  • Don’t take the trolls too seriously, they’re just looking for a reaction.
  • Trolls are like clowns, they’re only scary if you let them be.
  • Trolls may be loud, but they’re not always right.
  • Trolls love drama, but you don’t have to be a part of it.
  • Trolling is a game, and the only way to win is not to play.
  • Don’t let the trolls drag you down to their level.
  • Trolls are like shadows, they can only bother you if you let them.
  • Don’t let the trolls steal your joy.
  • Trolls are like background noise, annoying but you can still tune them out.
  • If you ignore the trolls, they’ll eventually get bored and move on.
  • Don’t let the trolls get under your skin.
  • Trolls thrive on negativity, so don’t give them any.
  • Trolling is easy, but being kind is harder.
  • Don’t let the trolls make you forget all the good in the world.
  • Trolls love attention, so starve them of it.
  • Trolls may be loud, but they’re not always right.
  • Don’t let the trolls get the best of you, stay strong.
  • Life’s too short to be serious all the time, so be like a troll and let your hair down!
  • Don’t let anyone dim your light, especially if it’s as bright as a troll’s hair!
  • Be colorful like a troll and bring joy to the world!
  • Life can be tough, but with a little troll-like resilience, we can get through anything!
  • Embrace your inner troll and dance like nobody’s watching!
  • Sometimes all you need is a little sparkle, just like a troll’s hair!
  • When life gets you down, be like a troll and keep on smiling!
  • Be confident like a troll and own your unique style!
  • Be the rainbow in someone else’s cloud, just like a troll’s hair in the dark!
  • Life’s a party, so bring your inner troll and let’s celebrate!
  • Trolls don’t judge, they just love – let’s be more like them!
  • A troll’s hair may be wild, but their heart is always kind.
  • In a world where you can be anything, be a troll and spread happiness.
  • Trolls know the value of a good laugh – it’s the best medicine!
  • Be a troll and dance like you mean it – it’s good for the soul!
  • A troll’s hair may be crazy, but it’s always fabulous!
  • Trolls know that happiness is contagious – so spread it around like confetti!
  • When in doubt, channel your inner troll and let your light shine!
  • Trolls never hide their true colors – they embrace them and shine!
  • Be like a troll and find joy in the little things in life.
  • Trolls know that being different is a superpower – embrace your uniqueness!
  • Be a ray of sunshine like a troll’s hair on a sunny day.
  • Trolls know how to have a good time – so let’s party like one!
  • Life can be tough, but with a little troll-like resilience, we can overcome anything!
  • Be like a troll and always look for the silver lining.
  • Trolls may be small, but they are mighty – so never underestimate yourself!
  • Trolls know that kindness is always in style – let’s make it a trend!
  • Be brave like a troll and face your fears head-on!
  • A troll’s hair may be messy, but their heart is always in the right place.
  • Trolls know the importance of self-care – take time to recharge like one!
  • Be a beacon of positivity like a troll’s hair in the dark!
  • Trolls don’t sweat the small stuff – they know how to let it go!
  • Be like a troll and let your personality shine through in everything you do.
  • Trolls never give up – they keep on truckin’ even when the going gets tough.
  • A troll’s hair may be wild and free, but their spirit is always grounded.
  • Trolls know how to spread joy – let’s all be a little more like them!
  • Be like a troll and find the beauty in everything around you.
  • Trolls know how to make an entrance – let’s make every moment count!
  • Trolls know how to have fun – so let’s live life like one big party!
  • Be like a troll and always stay true to yourself.
  • Don’t feed the trolls, they’ll just keep coming back for more.
  • Trolls may be mean, but they can’t handle the power of kindness.
  • Trolls are like bullies on the internet. Ignore them and they’ll go away.
  • Don’t let trolls steal your joy, happiness is the best revenge.
  • Trolls thrive on attention, starve them of it and they’ll disappear.
  • Trolls are like weeds in a garden, the more you feed them, the more they grow.
  • Trolls may think they’re funny, but real humor doesn’t come at someone else’s expense.

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