Hell is empty and all the devils are here. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
What’s past is prologue. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
O brave new world, That has such people in it! – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
I would fain dying be put to death. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
Be not afeard. The isle is full of noises. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
Give me your hands, if we be friends. And Robin shall restore amends. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
Oh, I have suffered with those that I saw suffer! – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
Ye elves of hills, brooks, standing lakes and groves. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
I’ll break my staff, Bury it certain fathoms in the earth, And deeper than did ever plummet sound I’ll drown my book. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
The very instant that I saw you, did My heart fly to your service. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
For I have done thee justice; served thee true. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
Let me not, Since I have my dukedom got, And pardoned the deceiver, dwell In this bare island by your spell. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
The Tempest Quotes – Exploring the Magic and Power of Shakespeare’s Masterpiece part 2
This thing of darkness I acknowledge mine. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
If music be the food of love, play on. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
All hail, great master! Grave sir, hail! I come To answer thy best pleasure. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
What’s done cannot be undone. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
I never saw a vessel of like sorrow, So filled and so becoming. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
Where the devil should he learn our language? – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
The past is the past. We look to the future. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
There’s nothing ill can dwell in such a temple. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
You taught me language; and my profit on ’t is that I know how to curse. The red plague rid you for learning me your language! – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
Oh, wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! Oh brave new world, That has such people in ’t. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
Farewell, Master; farewell, farewell! – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
I prithee, remember I have done thee worthy service. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
I’ll be wise hereafter, And seek for grace. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
If by your art, my dearest father, you have Put the wild waters in this roar, allay them. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
Now would I give a thousand furlongs of sea for an acre of barren ground. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
But doth suffer a sea-change Into something rich and strange. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
I am subject to a tyrant, a sorcerer, that by his cunning hath cheated me of the island. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
We are such stuff as dreams are made of, and our little life is rounded with a sleep. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
How lush and lusty the grass looks! How green! – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
O wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
Though with their high wrongs I am struck to the quick, Yet with my nobler reason ’gainst my fury Do I take part. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
Come unto these yellow sands, and then take hands. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
For your sake Am I this patient log-man. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
I had forgot that foul conspiracy Of the beast Caliban and his confederates. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
As you from crimes would pardoned be, Let your indulgence set me free. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
But this rough magic I here abjure. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
He that dies pays all debts. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
Come, my Ariel, come. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
These our actors, As I foretold you, were all spirits and Are melted into air, into thin air. And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, The solemn temples, the great globe itself, yea all which it inherit, shall dissolve, And like this insubstantial pageant faded Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff As dreams are made on, and our little life Is rounded with a sleep. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
Thou dost snore distinctly; There’s meaning in thy snores. – William Shakespeare, The Tempest
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