Tangled quotes

Rapunzel, let down your hair!

I have a dream, and it involves lots of chocolate.

I’m a damsel, I’m in distress. I can handle it. Have a nice day!

Venturing outside will be a brand new start.

Mother knows best.

Flower, gleam and glow. Let your powers shine.

The world is full of surprises, just waiting to be discovered.

When life gets tangled, just keep smiling and dreaming.

Pascal, my man, I need a little help here.

The lost princess will be found. I won’t stop until I bring her home.

I’m not a prize to be won, I’m a person with dreams and desires.

Sometimes the smallest things can take up the most room in your heart.

Don’t just exist, live your life to the fullest.

The only way to find out what you’re capable of is to venture into the unknown.

Flynn Rider, the rogue with a heart of gold.

I finally have a chance to see the floating lanterns.

True love isn’t something that can be forced or rushed, it’s something that happens naturally.

Live your life like a song that never ends.

It’s never too late to rewrite your own story.

Let your fears go and embrace the adventure.

Being a princess doesn’t mean you have to follow the rules, it means you can create your own.

Sometimes the thing you’ve been looking for your whole life is right in front of you.

When you have a dream, you have to protect it and never let anyone bring you down.

I may have been trapped, but my spirit was always free.

Listen to your heart, it will guide you to where you need to be.

Don’t be afraid to let your hair down and dance like nobody’s watching.

Dreams are worth fighting for, even if they seem impossible.

Love is a powerful force that can heal even the deepest wounds.

There’s a great, big, beautiful tomorrow waiting just around the corner.

Life’s greatest adventures often begin with a single step.

There’s more to life than just staying in the same tower forever.

Life is too short to spend it wondering what could have been.

You don’t realize what you have until it’s gone.

I’ve spent my whole life hiding, but now it’s time to shine.

Dreams don’t work unless you do.

Take a leap of faith and see where it takes you.

I’ll trade you ‘Rider’ for ‘Eugene Fitzherbert’. Deal?

Don’t be afraid to stand up for what you believe in, even if it means going against the norms.

True happiness can only be found within yourself.

When two people are meant to be together, nothing can keep them apart.

You are my new dream.

Stepping outside your comfort zone is where the real adventure begins.

There’s something magical about embracing your true self and letting go of the past.

The best adventures are the ones shared with someone you love.

Embrace the messiness of life, it’s what makes it beautiful.

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