Squilliam Fancyson Quotes

I may be a fancyson, but I’m not fancy enough for Squilliam!

Being fancy isn’t about wealth, it’s about attitude.

I don’t need a mansion to feel superior, I just need a monocle and a top hat.

Squilliam might have the money, but I have the style.

If I had a dollar for every time Squilliam tried to one-up me, I’d be richer than he is.

Fancy people don’t just wear tuxedos, they wear the entire zoo.

You can’t spell Squilliam without ‘silly’ and ‘waste of space.’

I may not have the biggest yacht, but I have the biggest ego.

Squilliam may have all the fancy friends, but I have all the fun ones.

Squilliam thinks he’s royalty, but I’m the real fancy prince.

I don’t need a trust fund, I’ve got my own trust in myself.

I may not have a private jet, but I’ve got a private butler.

Squilliam’s so fancy, he probably eats caviar for breakfast. I eat happiness.

I may not have a fancy degree, but I’m the master of style.

Squilliam’s so fancy, he probably needs a team of stylists to get dressed in the morning. I just wake up fabulous.

It’s not about the size of your bank account, it’s about the size of your bowtie.

I may not have a penthouse suite, but I have a penthouse attitude.

Squilliam thinks he’s superior, but I’m the superior fancyson.

I may not have a private island, but I have a private chauffeur.

Squilliam’s so fancy, he probably bathes in champagne. I bathe in greatness.

I may not have a fancy art collection, but I am a walking work of art.

Squilliam may have a fancy car, but I have a fancy horse-drawn carriage.

I don’t need a fancy title to know I’m the best. I’m simply Squilliam’s worst nightmare.

Squilliam may have a fancy French chef, but I have a fancy sense of humor.

I may not have a fancy country club membership, but I’m the president of the Fancy Pants Club.

Squilliam’s so fancy, he probably sleeps on a bed made of gold. I sleep on a bed made of success.

I may not have a butler, but I have the confidence of a hundred butlers.

Squilliam thinks he’s fancy, but he’s just a fancy fraud.

If I had a dime for every time Squilliam tried to out-fancy me, I’d have enough to buy his entire fancy mansion.

I may not have a fancy pedigree, but I’m the definition of fancy.

Squilliam may have a fancy wine cellar, but I have a fancy dance routine.

I don’t need a fancy title to know I’m the fanciest of them all.

Squilliam’s so fancy, he probably has a personal valet. I just have a personal sense of style.

I may not have a fancy yacht, but I sail through life with grace and elegance.

Squilliam thinks he’s sophisticated, but I’m the epitome of sophistication.

I don’t need a fancy suit to feel important, I just need my fancy personality.

Squilliam may have a fancy castle, but I have a fancy sense of adventure.

I may not have a fancy pedigree, but I have a fancy resume.

Squilliam thinks he’s the king of fancy, but I’m the emperor of fabulous.

I don’t need a fancy job title to know I’m the fanciest person in the room.

Squilliam’s so fancy, he probably has a team of fancy hairdressers. I just have fabulous genes.

I may not have a fancy yacht party, but I have a fancy tea party.

Squilliam may have a fancy art collection, but I have a fancy dance routine.

I don’t need a fancy last name to know I’m fancy. I’m just Classy McGee.

Squilliam may think he’s fancy, but I’m the fanciest of them all.

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