Shigaraki quotes

I’ll turn this world to dust and create a new one in my image.

There’s beauty in destruction, chaos, and decay.

I’m the hand that brings forth the end, and you’re all just pawns in my game.

Everyone will remember my name as the one who brought down the heroes.

Power isn’t about preservation; it’s about tearing everything down and building anew.

In the ashes of this world, I’ll be the one standing tall.

Once the heroes fall, the true monsters will reign.

The world needs to be reminded of its fragility.

Heroes are only heroes until they’re crushed beneath my fist.

I embrace the darkness because it’s the only thing that’s truly real.

I will dismantle society, piece by piece, until I am the king of chaos.

The heroes think they can save everyone, but they’re just delaying the inevitable.

Fear is the only true teacher; pain is the only true enlightenment.

Through destruction, I will create the utopia I’ve always dreamed of.

No one can stop me, for I control the very essence of decay.

I’ll paint the world red with the blood of those who oppose me.

The heroes may have won battles, but I’ll win the war.

There is no escape from my grasp; I am the ultimate destroyer.

I revel in the chaos I create; it is my greatest masterpiece.

In the end, we’re all just dust waiting to be blown away.

The heroes think they can save the day, but they’re blind to the truth.

I’ve seen the darkness in humanity, and it’s time for it to be set free.

Death is the great equalizer, and I will be its herald.

There is no hope, only the illusion of it.

The heroes may have powers, but mine is the power to dismantle their hope.

I will bring justice to this unjust world, even if it means destroying it.

The heroes’ strength is nothing compared to the strength of decay.

Once the heroes fall, the world will see the truth: that chaos is the only natural order.

There’s a beauty in watching everything crumble, including yourself.

The heroes play their games of justice, but I’m here to show them the true nature of power.

In the end, everyone becomes corrupt. I’m just hastening the process.

I see the cracks in this society, and I’m here to shatter it completely.

No one can escape the inevitability of death, not even heroes.

Hope is a lie; there is only decay and destruction.

Those who hold onto hope are the most easily crushed.

I will be the architect of the world’s downfall.

I am the embodiment of destruction, chaos, and decay; I am Shigaraki.

In a world of heroes and villains, I am the ultimate force of destruction.

The heroes may think they’re saving lives, but they’re just prolonging the suffering.

I’ll rip this society apart and build something far superior from its ruins.

There’s no room for mercy in a world that deserves to be destroyed.

In the end, everything turns to dust, and I’m here to hasten the process.

I will be the one to bring this world to its knees and make it beg for mercy.

I will leave a mark on this world that can never be erased, no matter what heroes stand in my way.

I am the voice of destruction, and I will make this world hear me.

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