Savage Diss Quotes

Your words may hurt, but your actions are even more savage.

I’ve never seen someone talk so much without saying anything at all.

You should come with a warning label, because everything that comes out of your mouth is toxic.

I could make a sandwich with all the baloney you’re spewing.

Don’t worry about burning bridges, you’ve already done enough damage to the entire city.

If you were any more two-faced, we’d need to buy you a second passport.

Your ego is so big, it’s a wonder you can fit through the door.

The only thing shorter than your temper is your attention span.

I wouldn’t trust you to water a cactus, let alone handle anything important.

Your lies are like the morning dew – they disappear as soon as the sun rises.

You have the personality of a wet blanket.

I’m sorry, did I ask for your opinion? Oh right, I didn’t.

Your envy is showing, and it’s not a good look for you.

I hope karma slaps you in the face before I have the chance.

Your words are like the sound of nails on a chalkboard – annoying and completely unnecessary.

You’re a walking contradiction, but I guess that’s why people find you entertaining.

The only way you could be more ignorant is if you had a Lobotomy.

I’d call you a snake, but that would be an insult to snakes everywhere.

If your brain was as big as your mouth, you might actually have something worthwhile to say.

I’m not saying you’re stupid, but you sure do a good job of acting like it.

Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of how irrelevant you are.

Your intelligence is rivaled only by your lack of common sense.

I would ask how you get by in life, but I don’t think you do.

You’re like a broken record – always playing the same tired tune.

I wouldn’t trust you to find your way out of a paper bag.

Your insults are about as powerful as a wet noodle.

Who needs enemies when they have a friend like you?

I would tell you to take a seat, but I doubt you could handle the truth.

Your actions speak so loudly, I can’t hear a word you’re saying.

If ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest person on earth.

I’m sorry, but I don’t speak idiot.

I’m surprised you have the audacity to show your face after what you’ve done.

Your existence is proof that the gene pool needs a lifeguard.

You’ve reached a whole new level of delusion.

I don’t know what’s more impressive – how little you know or how much you think you know.

You’re like a black hole – a vacuum of intelligence sucking in everything around you.

I don’t have the time or the crayons to explain this to you.

I’d call you a douchebag, but that would be an insult to bags everywhere.

You’re not even worth my negative energy.

You’re about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.

I wasn’t aware that stupidity was a full-time job, but you seem to have mastered it.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt your nonsense with my logic.

Don’t mistake my silence for weakness – I’m just trying not to stoop to your level.

Your opinion is about as valuable as a used tissue.

I hope your day is as pleasant as you are.

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