Sansa Stark Quotes

I may be a lady, but I have warrior blood in me.

I have learned from the best, so don’t underestimate me.

In a world of wolves, I plan on being a lioness.

Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you.

A woman’s weapon is her mind, not her body.

A true queen doesn’t need a crown, she brings her own power wherever she goes.

Life is a battle, and I’m ready to fight.

I know what it’s like to be underestimated and I won’t let it define me.

I have suffered, I have persevered, and I have come out stronger.

You have to be smart, even when everything seems hopeless.

There’s always another way, you just have to find it.

I’m not a pawn in someone else’s game, I’m the player.

Revenge is a dish best served cold, and I’ve got a long list.

I’m not afraid of anyone. I’ve seen the worst this world has to offer.

I will fight for what’s right, even if it means going against the ones I love.

I may have been broken, but I’m not shattered. I will rise again.

It’s not about winning the battle, it’s about surviving it.

In the game of thrones, you win or you die. I choose to win.

I will protect my family, even if it means sacrificing myself.

I’ve learned that trust is earned, not given freely.

Sometimes the best way to survive is to play the part of the innocent.

I won’t let anyone control my destiny but myself.

I will be the queen of my own life, no one else.

I’ve been through hell and back, and I’m still standing.

I won’t let my past define me, I will create my own future.

I refuse to be a victim, I will be the hero of my own story.

The strongest steel is forged in the hottest fires.

I have learned to trust my instincts, they have never led me astray.

I refuse to let anyone break me. I am unbreakable.

Strong women don’t play by the rules, they rewrite them.

I won’t let anyone hold me back from my dreams.

The world may be cruel, but I won’t let it make me cruel too.

I have learned to use my pain as fuel for my strength.

I refuse to be a bystander in my own life, I am the protagonist.

I have learned that power is not everything, honor and integrity matter too.

I will use my wit and intelligence to outsmart my enemies.

I won’t let anyone silence me, my voice will be heard.

I am the fire that will burn down the injustices of this world.

I have learned that loyalty is a rare and precious thing.

I will not be a victim of circumstance, I will rise above it.

I have learned that forgiveness is not a weakness, but a strength.

I will fight for what’s right, even if it means standing alone.

I won’t let anyone take away my freedom, I will fight for it.

I will build myself up, even if others try to tear me down.

I will not be defined by my mistakes, but by how I rise from them.

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