Rahm Emanuel Quotes

Never let a good crisis go to waste.

You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.

I’ve always had a rule in politics: If you have a problem, confront it. Don’t run from it, don’t try to hide it. Confront it. Deal with it. Move on.

It’s not just the idea, it’s the execution.

The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself.

Success is not about being the smartest person in the room, but about surrounding yourself with the smartest people.

In crisis, people are willing to let you experiment.

I always operate with the assumption that I may think I’m right, but there’s a very good chance I’m wrong.

You can’t manufacture a crisis, you can only take advantage of one.

I don’t want to see any more young people graduate without job opportunities.

Leadership is about listening as much as talking.

It’s not about the size of your team, but the quality of their ideas.

Politics is not about perfection, it’s about progress.

The best way to solve a problem is to attack it head on.

If you don’t have a seat at the table, you’re probably on the menu.

I don’t care if you’re a Democrat or a Republican, if you have good ideas, I want to hear them.

You have to be willing to take risks in order to achieve greatness.

Rahm Emanuel Quotes part 2

There’s a difference between being fearless and being reckless.

I believe in the power of government to make people’s lives better.

You can’t expect change if you’re not willing to change yourself.

Surround yourself with people who challenge you, not people who only agree with you.

Nothing has ever been accomplished by sitting on the sidelines and complaining.

There is no substitute for hard work.

The only way to truly know what’s going on in people’s lives is to listen to them.

Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.

The best way to bring people together is to find common ground.

It’s not enough to say you care, you have to show it through your actions.

You don’t have to be the loudest voice in the room to make an impact.

Don’t underestimate the power of a small group of committed individuals.

We have a responsibility to invest in our future, not just our present.

Change doesn’t happen overnight, but it can happen faster than you think.

The only way to guarantee failure is to never try in the first place.

Your past doesn’t define you, it’s what you do in the present that matters.

If you want something done, surround yourself with people who will get it done.

Sometimes the best solution is the one that no one else has thought of yet.

It’s not about winning the argument, it’s about finding a solution.

If you’re not making mistakes, you’re not trying hard enough.

The best way to learn is by doing.

Don’t be afraid to admit when you’re wrong and make things right.

If you want to make a difference, you have to be willing to be unpopular.

If you want to change the world, start by changing yourself.

The greatest leaders are those who inspire others to lead.

Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to step back and take a different perspective.

Don’t let fear hold you back from pursuing your dreams.

In the end, it’s not about the title or the position, but the impact you’ve made on people’s lives.

Alfred Sorsazo

A seeker of inspiration and beauty in words. I share quotes that touch the soul, provoke thought, and inspire change.

Finding and sharing wisdom that helps you better understand yourself and the world around you. Why quotes? Short phrases contain incredible power - they can inspire, support, give hope, or just make you smile.

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