Quotes about time and change

Time and change are the two constants in life.

Embrace change, for it is the only constant in life.

Time heals all wounds, but change can create new ones.

Change is the only way we can grow over time.

The only thing that stays the same is the fact that everything changes.

Time is not a measure of change, but a catalyst for it.

Time is the currency of change.

Change is inevitable, but growth is optional.

Time flies, but change can make it soar.

Change is the soundtrack of time.

We are the architects of our time and the agents of change.

Time is a river, and change is the current that guides it.

Change is the secret ingredient that spices up the recipe of time.

Change is the bridge between the past and the future, built by the hands of time.

Time is the canvas, and change is the brush that paints the masterpiece of our lives.

The only thing that remains constant is the presence of change over time.

With every tick of the clock, change is a step closer to our doorstep.

Time and change are the dance partners that never miss a beat.

Change is the melody that time dances to.

Time keeps marching on, carrying change on its back.

Change is the prism through which time reveals its true colors.

Time and change are like two sides of the same coin.

The art of living is finding beauty in the ever-changing canvas of time.

Change is the engine that propels time forward.

Time may change, but change is timeless.

Without change, time would be nothing more than an empty vessel.

Time is like a photograph, capturing the moments of change.

Change is the sculptor of time.

Without change, time would be nothing more than an echo of the past.

Time and change are the sculptors of our destiny.

Change is the language that time speaks.

Time and change are the only constants in the universe.

Without change, time would be a never-ending loop.

Change is the brush stroke that transforms the blank canvas of time into a masterpiece.

Time and change are the pillars that support the structure of life.

Embrace change, for it is the heartbeat of time.

Change is the catalyst that ignites the flames of progress over time.

Time is the path, and change is the guide that leads us to our destination.

Change is the wind that shapes the sands of time.

With every breath we take, time and change are at our side.

Change is the compass that directs our journey through time.

Time is the fabric, and change is the needle that weaves the tapestry of our lives.

Without change, time would be an empty canvas waiting to be painted.

Change is the symphony that time conducts.

Time and change are the inseparable companions on the journey of life.

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