Quotes about humor

Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. – Victor Hugo

A sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to our steps on the tightrope of life. – William Arthur Ward

Humor is mankind’s greatest blessing. – Mark Twain

Humor is a rubber sword – it allows you to make a point without drawing blood. – Mary Hirsch

Laughter is the best medicine, and humor is the elixir of life. – Byron Pulsifer

Humor is like a windshield wiper, it doesn’t stop the rain but allows us to keep going. – Unknown

A sense of humor is a gift from God, making life easier and more enjoyable. – Unknown

Humor is the foundation on which the most solid friendships are built. – Unknown

Humor is a universal language that can bring people from different cultures together. – Unknown

Humor is the parachute that helps us land softly when life throws us off-course. – Unknown

Humor is the ultimate defense against the unbearable sadness of life. – Unknown

A person without a sense of humor is like a car without suspension – they’ll feel every bump along the way. – Unknown

Humor is the soundtrack of life, making every moment a little bit brighter. – Unknown

Humor is the secret ingredient that makes ordinary days extraordinary. – Unknown

Humor is the duct tape of the soul – it fixes everything. – Unknown

Humor is the raincoat that keeps us dry in the stormy weather of life. – Unknown

Humor is the spice of life – it adds flavor to every situation. – Unknown

Humor is the compass that points us in the right direction when we’re lost. – Unknown

Humor is the lens through which we see the world in all its absurdity. – Unknown

Humor is the tightrope walker that keeps us balanced on the wire of life. – Unknown

Humor is the balm that heals our wounds and soothes our soul. – Unknown

Humor is the oxygen that keeps our spirits alive and kicking. – Unknown

Humor is the lantern that lights up the dark corners of our mind. – Unknown

Humor is the feather that tickles our funny bone and makes us laugh. – Unknown

Humor is the prism that breaks the white light of reality into a colorful spectrum. – Unknown

Humor is the broom that sweeps away the cobwebs of seriousness. – Unknown

Humor is the band-aid that covers our wounds and makes them hurt a little less. – Unknown

Humor is the glue that holds us together when everything else is falling apart. – Unknown

Humor is the lifeline that keeps us afloat in the turbulent sea of life. – Unknown

Humor is the conductor that leads the symphony of our laughter. – Unknown

Humor is the lens through which we see the world in all its absurdity. – Unknown

Humor is the joker hiding up life’s sleeve, ready to surprise us at any moment. – Unknown

Humor is the oasis that quenches our thirst for joy in the desert of life. – Unknown

Humor is the butterfly that brings color to the monochrome landscape of our days. – Unknown

Humor is the paintbrush that adds a splash of whimsy to the canvas of our lives. – Unknown

Humor is the firefly that lights up the night sky of our existence. – Unknown

Humor is the mirror that reflects the beauty and absurdity of our human condition. – Unknown

Humor is the jigsaw puzzle that connects the scattered pieces of our soul. – Unknown

Humor is the GPS that guides us through the maze of life’s challenges. – Unknown

Humor is the life vest that keeps us afloat when life’s waves are crashing down. – Unknown

Humor is the sword that slays the dragons of despair and negativity. – Unknown

Humor is the helium balloon that lifts our spirits higher than the weight of our problems. – Unknown

Humor is the spark that ignites the fire of joy in our hearts. – Unknown

Humor is the magic wand that turns our troubles into funny anecdotes. – Unknown

Humor is the recipe that turns ordinary moments into extraordinary memories. – Unknown

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