Quality over quantity quotes

It’s not the quantity that matters, but the quality of our efforts.

Quality over quantity is the key to success.

Stop focusing on numbers and focus on the quality of your work.

A high quantity does not guarantee a high quality.

In the pursuit of excellence, quantity is irrelevant.

Less is more when it comes to quality over quantity.

The quality of our relationships is more important than the quantity of friends.

Don’t sacrifice quality for quantity.

The value lies in the quality, not the quantity.

Quality is remembered long after quantity is forgotten.

Focus on producing quality work, not quantity.

It’s better to have a few high-quality items than a lot of average ones.

Quality over quantity should be our motto in life.

Quantity may impress, but quality inspires.

Do not be deceived by quantity, seek quality.

The true measure of success is not in numbers, but in the quality of our achievements.

More does not always mean better, quality does.

Give your best effort and let the quality speak for itself.

Quality is the ultimate measure of value, not quantity.

Choose quality over quantity and you’ll never be disappointed.

Strive for greatness, not for quantity.

In every aspect of life, quality should come first.

Quality always wins over quantity in the long run.

The pursuit of excellence is a commitment to quality, not quantity.

Quality over quantity quotes part 2

Don’t settle for mediocrity, always seek quality.

Quality demands attention, quantity fades away.

Don’t be overwhelmed by numbers, focus on the quality of your work.

Success is not in how much we do, but in how well we do it.

Quantity is forgettable, quality is unforgettable.

Don’t be obsessed with the numbers, prioritize the quality.

Quality work takes time, don’t rush for quantity.

Quality is the foundation of success, not quantity.

Focus on creating value, not accumulating quantity.

It’s better to own a few quality possessions than a lot of meaningless ones.

Success is not measured by the volume, but by the quality.

Seek quality in everything you do, and success will follow.

Quantity can be achieved by anyone, but quality sets you apart.

Don’t be overwhelmed by options, choose quality over quantity.

The essence of life lies in the quality, not the quantity of experiences.

A high quantity of work can be deceptive, focus on the quality.

Don’t let the quantity overpower the quality of your work.

Quality is an investment, quantity is merely accumulation.

In every aspect of life, quality exceeds quantity.

Quantity can be deceiving, but quality never disappoints.

Choose quality over quantity and you’ll always be satisfied.

Alfred Sorsazo

A seeker of inspiration and beauty in words. I share quotes that touch the soul, provoke thought, and inspire change.

Finding and sharing wisdom that helps you better understand yourself and the world around you. Why quotes? Short phrases contain incredible power - they can inspire, support, give hope, or just make you smile.

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