My body, my choice.
Reproductive rights are human rights.
Trust women to make their own decisions.
Every child should be a wanted child.
Safe, legal, and accessible abortion is essential.
Support the right to choose.
No forced motherhood.
Reproductive justice for all.
Protect the right to decide.
Women’s rights are non-negotiable.
Abortion saves lives.
Keep abortion legal and safe.
Supporting reproductive freedom is supporting women’s freedom.
Access to abortion is a matter of equality.
Defend reproductive autonomy.
Stop criminalizing reproductive health decisions.
It’s time to trust women.
Choice empowers women.
Listen to women, respect their decisions.
Reproductive choice is a fundamental human right.
Supporting pro-choice policies means supporting women’s health.
Prioritize women’s agency over their own bodies.
Access to safe abortion is essential for women’s well-being.
Don’t let politicians interfere with women’s rights.
Abortion is a personal decision, not a political one.
Abortion access is healthcare access.
Stand up for reproductive freedom.
Respect women’s autonomy.
Protect women’s right to choose.
Reproductive rights are essential for gender equality.
It’s not a debate, it’s a woman’s right.
Pro Choice Quotes part 2
Choice is a pillar of feminism.
Support women’s reproductive healthcare.
The right to choose is a cornerstone of democracy.
Everyone deserves the right to control their own body.
Reproductive decisions are private and personal.
Safe and legal abortion is a matter of public health.
Trust women to make the best decision for themselves.
Reproductive freedom is about bodily autonomy.
Ensure access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare.
Abortion is an individual’s decision, not a state’s.
Support the right to reproductive self-determination.
Make reproductive justice a reality.
No woman should have to justify her decision to access abortion.
Stand up for reproductive rights, today and every day.
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