QuoteSkull Posts

Shame on me for not believing in myself. Shame on me for letting fear hold me back. Shame on me for not taking risks and playing it safe. Shame on me for settling for less than I deserve. Shame on me for not speaking up when I should have. Shame…


Art is hard. Doing art is hard. Everything is hard. Being an artist is hard. You gotta get up every day and do it all over again. I’m learning how to stop rushing the process and just let things happen. And that’s made all the difference. There’s nothing more freeing…


The only way to fail is to stop trying. – Jason Reynolds Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts. – Jason Reynolds Be yourself, everyone else is already taken. – Jason Reynolds The biggest risk is not taking any risk. –…


Women’s rights are human rights. It takes a village to raise a child. America is great because America is good. There is no force more powerful than a mother determined to make a difference. I am a proud feminist and I believe in the power of women. We have to…




Education is not just about books and grades, it’s about understanding and experiencing the world. Fear of failure should never hold you back from trying new things. In order to succeed, you must first believe in yourself. Happiness is found in pursuing your passions and doing what you love. The…


Progress, not perfection. The only way to succeed is to keep working. Every small step counts towards a bigger goal. Success is built one brick at a time. Work in progress, but the progress is worth it. Don’t wait for perfection, work towards improvement. Don’t be afraid of taking small…


Christmas at Hogwarts is truly magical. The holiday season is even more special when spent with friends like Hermione and Ron. Dumbledore’s twinkling eyes always seem to shine even brighter during Christmas. The Great Hall looks more enchanting than ever adorned with Christmas decorations. Hagrid’s homemade Christmas treats are the…


Optimism is the madness of maintaining that everything is right when we are miserable. The secret to being happy is to make others happy. We must cultivate our garden. In this best of all possible worlds, everything is for the best. It is better to risk saving a guilty person…
